My Last Goodbye...

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Selena's POV:

" Blake! You son of an asshole! Show yourself! I know you're here! " Don't call me impulsive or vulgar or even brave. I got this sudden rush just from the thought of protecting my family and pack. After I screamed and shout and let it all out, that asshole still doesn't appear.

"Urgh! You motherf**ker! I know you want me, I'm here, where the fuck are you now? Sigh.... I'm counting to 3. If you still don't come out, I'm freaking leaving and make sure you never come back. 1...." I scanned around my surrounding which only consists of trees and more trees," 2..."  'rustle rustle' "Who's there?!" I spun around to the source to see Carter trying his best to hide behind a bush , sadly...he failed miserably because I can see him from here. Blame the bush for being too small and his wolf to be too large.

"Sigh...come out Carter. I can see you. Try finding something larger next time." I heard a sigh escape from him as he stepped out of the shadows with a hard look on his face. His eyes showing a hint of  hurt, betrayal, anger but mostly sadness.

"Why are you here? I thought you're sleeping." I asked, pretending to be surprised but his face still remained in that stupid hard look.

" I should be the one asking you that. Why are you out here my little mate." 

"It's none of your business. I hate you. " I spat out rashly. I see as Carter's wolf is struggling to get in control. Carter balls his fists and trembled angrily.

"None of my business?! Selena, do you think I am dumb or dumb? You had been acting weirdly the past 28 days and I was glad I found the letter before I lose you again!  Yes, you are indeed selfish! You are the most selfish person on earth! You think by leaving me, our kids and the pack is being selfless? Well, hell no! You are being irresponsible and stupid! I can't live without you, our kids couldn't grow up well without you and the pack will fall because you are not by my side, ruling with me! Have you ever thought about our feelings? No, you never. You only cared about yours. Yours, yours and only YOURS! "

"You have no idea why I do that! It's true that I'm selfish, but it's for the best for everyone, including YOU! You know what, fuck you Carter! Fuck you! "

Blake's POV: 

Wow, such an amazing sight. Two loving mates fighting over this matter. Well, I was thinking that it will already be awesome if one comes but seems like I striked a bonus. Buy 1 get 1 free.  But in order to get Selena totally for myself and never needing to worry about her being rescued, there's one this I have to take care of. I place my hands into my shoe and pulled it out. Nice and shiny, silvery and sharp. Let the Alpha die! Muahahaha!

Selena's POV: 

"Selena, you don't also get what you want and this time, I'm not letting you do that!  You are going home with me now and no buts!"

"No! You don't control me Carter! I control my own life and this is how I want it to be! Just go home. I don't want to fight with you anymore. Leave. Now." I glared at Carter but he only glares back stubbornly. Urgh, can't he see that I'm protecting him? Fool! 

"I wouldn't leave without you Selena. If you don't leave, I won't too-" I didn't catch the rest of his words as someone caught my attention.  Silver eyes, asshole, rape, abuse...Blake. He smirked towards my direction as he motioned my attention to Carter who was still yelling away without knowing the situation we are in. Blake moved closer and closer to us before taking out something silvery, sharp and shiny from his back. No...he wouldn't. He wouldn't dare right? Please say no. But yes, Blake let out a menacing snarl and took a leap at Carter. 

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