Pain In The Ass

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Hi guys love to see you supporting and reading my story. I know it may not be the best but...I hope everyone will still enjoy it. I'm trying my best in writing this and I dun feel like giving up on it.

Well...lets start the next chappie! ;)

Selena's POV:

"Selena. My love, wakey wakey. " I felt sparks shooting into my arms and I knew that it is Carter. I groaned as I pushed his hands away,erupting more sparks. "We have an appointment so I need you to get change and dressed up. Please dear...for me?" He whimpered and gave me his signature move,the puppy eyes...Why must he be so darn cute? I wanna pinch him in the cheeks now and kiss him. Oh my...what am I thinking?

"Thanks,I know I'm cute and yes, you can kiss me but not will hurt... " He pouted so cutely before grinning like an idiot .

"How do you know what I'm thinking about? Are you a mind reader?! That's so cool!" I looked at him amazed at his stunt . Lets test it out again...He is a very hot dude,hotter than any guys on the streets. He is hot , sexy and sweet but sometimes possessive and an arrogant ass. Guess who is he?

He growl deeply as he taunted closer towards me. Shit..gotta run! I turned to the door only to be pulled back onto the bed by him as he towers over my small frame. Is he going to hurt me? Is he going to abuse me? I immediately closed me eyes waiting for him to 'attack' me but it never came. I opened my eyes slowly to find him looking hurt and sad like he is going to cry. I reached out to caress his cheek softly to prevent him from crying.

"Come here love." I pulled him down to lay on my body as I entwined my fingers with his hair ,pulling him down for a kiss. He looked shock at first but soon responded by kissing back.He nibbled on my bottom lips hoping to be granted access. I opened up willingly as he plunges his tongue into my mouth roaming and dancing with my tongue. He continues to kiss me ,taking my every breath away. We pulled back shortly and lay down on the bed staring blankly at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry for scaring you. I didn't mean to scare you nor would I do anything to harm you because I love you too much to even see you get hurt." He spoke up,looking into my eyes as he drew circles on my stomach with his fingers.

"I know. I love you too." He smiled as he pulled us off the bed.

"We need to get changed. Your appointment will be in half an hours time. Go now or I will invite myself in." He smirked playfully as he smacked my ass hurrying me to be quick. I yelped and ran to the bathroom. I still love this big boy even if I die,being with him would cause me no regrets.

"I love you too ! But do not talk about dying because,you're going to live longer than me. You will bear my pups and we will be the happiest family in the werewolf history. You get it?" He shouted from outside. I can't imagine having his cubs and us having a big family. It would be so awesome. Our pups would look as cute as him and would be the strongest alpha in the future—-

"By the way,it is due to the mind link we have that allowed me to hear your thoughts and...I can hear practically everything you are thinking right now. I want the least...8 pups? We can make that happen with more practices,right love?Cuz practice makes perfect." He chuckled as my cheeks flushed into 50 shade of red.

Carter's POV:

After we were done changing,we walked down to the basement where Frac is to get Selena checked up.

After a few tests, Frac told us that since her body is very weak and she was never given enough food, her body could not hold more food than what she normally has as her body is immune to it and eating more would only cause her body to reject all that was taken in. He then passes me a bottle of vitamin pills and ask me to make sure to give her take one pill every morning before breakfast to increase her appetite so she would be able to eat more without her body rejecting them.

'Alpha,rogues are spotted in our territory. We need you to see how you would want to deal with them' David mind-linked me.

"Selena dear, can I leave you with Daisy and Cloe? I have some Alpha business to take care of." She nodded in understanding . I mind-linked Daisy and Cloe to keep Selena company as I went to deal with the rouges.

These rogues are really a pain in the ass.












I know this chapter is boring..but I will make it up to you guys for the next ya...see you in the next chapter!

Bye bye!

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