The Escape

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Hi guys, great to see ya again. hope you enjoy it.


"Yelp! " Damn... it hurts like shit when he strikes. The silver burns my skin and sizzling sounds could be heard as the silver eats into my skin. Tears flowed down my face as whimpers escaped, unable to bear the pain.

"Count for me u got it? Bitch. If you don't count, I will enjoy myself as long as I love. If you lose count, we will start all over again. Muahahaha... " He chuckled evilly as he swung down again, hard.

"One. "I yelped out from the sudden pain, bitting down on my bottom lip preventing any sounds from escaping. It hurts so much as he strikes near the previous, making it twice as painful as before.

He swung down again. "Two! "I screamed out as he striked the same place but harder, making it a double hit. My back hurts and my body became numb from the wacking. When he reach 20, he ordered me to turn around.

As I rested on my stinging back, he started wacking without any notice on my bare chest and around my stomach. Let me tell you, it stings twice as hard. By the time he ended, my whole body was burning. Scars were all over from top to toe but most were already healing with the help of my wolf. That is one reason why I love being as werewolf.


Am I sure this is the best choice? Yes it is. Goodbye James. I shifted into my white wolf before jumping down from the window and ran into the wilderness.

Making sure that I am far away from him, I slowed down and rested under the tree.

'Thank you.' I mind link Claire, my wolf.

'No problem. Now get some rest while I help you heal.'

'Thank you again. You're the best. Love you. '

'Same here. Love you too. '

My eyes soon started to feel heavy as darkness consumed me in it's arms.








Selena finally escaped! Woohoo!

How is it? Hope it is nice.

Sorry, I know it's kinda short, will make it up for the next chapter. ;)

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