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Selena's POV :

I finally made it! I'm alive. I let out a sigh of contentment as I snuggled closer to Carter's body. His hard rock chest presses against my back as his legs entwines with mine, arms secured tightly around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. I miss this feeling. I am never going to go away from him anymore . I look down to my stomach with a small baby bump and rube it tenderly...sigh... I have to tell him soon,maybe tomorrow. Yes,I will tell him tomorrow . I nodded my head firmly and place a light kiss on Carter's cheek before drifting back to sleep.

"Go out! Can't you see that she is still sleeping? "I hear a scream whisper coming from Carter's morning husky yet seductive voice.

"I'm up...stay." I groaned getting up ,stretching my arms and legs before rubbing by eyes .

"Aww so cute... " Cute? OMG! I'm not cute. Noooo way . I sent a playful glare towards the source of 'cuteness ' and see Claire and Daisy standing there with their mates hugging them from behind.

"Awww... so cute!" Their cheeks immediately flushed red upon my remark before pouting. I laugh and laugh till my stomach hurts. This is just too hilarious! They look at me like I'm mad before looking at Carter curiously. Speaking of Carter....I guess I might had forgotten about him, oops.

I took in a deep breath and let it out,"Guys, I have something to confess, especially to you Carter...." I look up to see them staring at me seriously. I let out another long breath and continued, " I'm pregnant. " I cowered in fear of their reactions ,not daring to look at them.


Still silence...

Awkward silence.....

Urgh... I can't stand silence!

I looked up at see their faces with the same expressions . Happiness, love and more happiness. "Umm.. guys? "

Daisy: "Oh My Goodness! Are you sure? That's awesome! Congrats! "

Cade: " Cool,we're going to have mini Carter or Selena running around. Congratulations! "

David: " Bro, you do have fast and strong swimmers don't ya? Congrats. "

Claire: " I'm ....We're ...Shopping Time! Congrats!"

Shopping time? Seriously? I groaned. I hate shopping, like literally. I looked at Carter as he has a smirk on his face and grinning widely but blankly. I waved my hands in front of his face but it doesn't seem to work so I leaned others and pecked cheekily on him nose,snapping him out of his daze.

"I'm not dreaming am I? No I'm's real....I'M GONNA BE A DADA! WOOHOO! " Carter howled in excitement as we shut our ears. Seriously? Must he do that? We have super hearing and I don't think we would not be able to hear him. His outburst can burst our eardrums.

He grinned like a little kid who just won a super big lollipop in a game as he pulede into his arms, showering me in kisses. Eww, thank goodness we're not in wolf form or not instead of kisses,I will be showered by his saliva...Gross! I almost puked think information of it,yuck.

"Your not allowed to carry heavy things or get out of this house. I will carry you up and down and around the house and I will have more guards looking out for you --" Oh shit,this is what I'm afraid of...a very over protective mate and father. Damn, now I have to live with his stupid rules or maybe...not . I shrugged and laid back down on the bed not caring whether they are still in the room.
Short? I know. Sorry but I have still lots of homework to do so...ya... will update asap. For now....bye!
Love ya.

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