I'm Sorry and I Love You

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Selena's POV:

Sigh....I really don,t want to do this but for my children's sake and Carter's , I have to do this. I can't drag them down with me. They are more precious than me, I can't let anything happen to them. I sat down at the desk and pulled out a pen and a piece of paper. Lifting the pen, I started my 'essay' writing.

Dear Carter,

When you found out that I'm gone, please do not find for me. Just help me take care of our kids and raise them well. Help me take good care of them until I come back for you guys. I promise to come back to you one way or another. No matter what happens, my love for you will never change, I swear upon my life. If I don,t make it back, take the kids along with you and move on, forget about me and find a new life, with someone else you love. I'm glad I was dragged into the cells by Cade and David. Help me say thanks to them ok? Hahaha...without them, I might never be able to meet you or even have a family with you. Thank you for always being with me, loving me and helping me create a wonderful family. Seems like being rogue was the best decision I ever made in my whole life.

After I surrender myself to shit head ( a.k.a. Blake ), don't laugh, I knew you're laughing. Stop laughing! Urgh...whatever, laugh all you want. Well, after I do so, just forget about me and move on in life. Live your life, marry a new woman, take care of our kids, be happy. Don't feel bad as it is not your fault, blame me for being selfish.Help me say sorry to the pack and to our kids. Goodbye my love.

Sorry and take care.

Always loving you,

Your mate, Selena.

I folded the letter and slipped it into an envelope before slipping it into my pocket. I should go a day beforehand so Blake would not find Carter for trouble. Knowing Carter's temper and character, he will blow the house down and find for me even though I wrote in the letter for him to not find me. Sigh...what am I going to do with him...

Carter's POV:

( Skip forward by 28 days. Sorry, I'm rushing to complete this book.)

These 29 days went as fast as it came . I can't believe I have to hand Selena up tomorrow to Blake. Urgh, his name alone makes me want to puke in disgust. I can't forget about what he did to my love and the threatened he gave. Talking about that, Selena had been behaving weirdly. She kept reminding me to take care of our kids when she is not around and she says that she will love me no matter what happens. I mean like, what is going to happen? I will also not let her leave me. Something's wrong and I'm going to find out.

"Carter, you should sleep now. I had taken care of our kids and I want to sleep with you today. I can't help but miss your warmth. Pleaseee, sleep with me?" Selena stood by the frame of my office's door as she fidgeted uneasily like she's panicking or something.

"Ok love. You go and wait for me upstairs. I will be up soon."

"Ok. See you later Carter."

As Selena spins around to make her way upstairs, I spotted a white envelope sticking out of her back pocket. I wonder what it is about...


How should I get hold of that letter...oh! I got it!

"Selena , your pants is a little soiled at the sides,let me help you bring them for a wash. "

"Huh? Really? Where?" Shit..um..oh, dust! I rubbed my hand over the dusty shelf and rubbed it on her pants quickly as she tried to find the dirt.

"There!" I pointed at the 'art piece' I created.

"Oh...oh well.." She shrugs and removed her pants,leaving her in her undies. Damn...I growled lustfully at that delicious sight. Her tanned and slender legs. Damn...iI want to spread chocolate on those legs and lick them clean. Snap out of it Carter, focus! Ok, focus.

"Wait here for me." I grabbed her pants and dashed out of our room. I took the letter out and read it as I went to put her pants for washing. The fuck?! She is going to surrender herself to Blake?! That asshole? Cuz she's scared that he will hurt me? Did she forget who I am? I am the Alpha of this pack and I have my own warriors to defeat him. Sigh...I took the letter and burned it . Well, lets just pretend that I did not see it and got it washed by accident.

As I lay on the bed with Selena, she started speaking softly," Carter, if I ever disappear, do not find me ok? Don't ask me why, just promise me that you won't find me." She looked up from my chest and stared at my pretend to be already sleeping face. "Sigh.. Well, good night Carter. I love you so much it hurts to even leave you but its for the best. Goodbye Carter. I love you ." Selena place a light kiss on my forehead before slipping out of our bed and rushing outside.

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