Embarrassing Situations

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Selena's POV:

Now I am surrounded by two extremely, highly, super, very protective pair of mates who are sent to spend time with me ever since I woke up to find Carter missing in action. I was like seriously? He threw me to them, alone? I'm alright with Daisy and Claire but David and Cade... I'm not so sure. I mean, I don't really interact with them and they look sort of scary.

"Hey,Selena, snap out of it. Are you done thinking of how you should punish Carter for leaving you?" Claire smirked playfully as Cade positions her on his lap. "So... u gonna wack him upside down or ignore him for a week or make him plead for you or you know,take charge?" She wiggles her eyebrows making the rest roll on the ground as they laugh their heads off upon my flushed red cheeks. It's embarrassing ok?

"Alright girls, how about we play true or dare?" Cade suggested seeing that we have nothing to do. Everyone agreed as we sat in a circle . Claire and Daisy at my left and right as David and Cade sat side by side beside their mate and each other.

From here I'm using Ce for Claire, Dy for Daisy, Cd for Cade, Dd for David and for Selena, while e'er it us her pov so I think no need.

Cd: "Me first! *Spins bottle * Daisy!  True or dare?"

Dy: " True."

Cd :" What was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?"

Dy: " Erm.... must I... well... it was when I was 8, I was speeding on my bike trying to fly over the dustbin at the pack house but it turned out to be a failure when I landed in the dustbin instead,covering myself in unwanted food and scraps of rubbish Which stinks like shit literally.  I took 3 days just to smell fresh again. There. Happy?"

By that time, everyone of us excluding Daisy were spilling tears for laughing damn hard as her face turned sour in embarrassment.

Dd: " Wow,I didn't know my mate loves the dustbin so much to fall in it.But that's still damn funny. Why did you never tell me that?"

Dy: " Well,I didn't want you to laugh at me for being clumsy...you're a jerk for even laughing now. Whatever, my turn to spin. *spins bottle * Haha, karma. True or dare Cade?"

Cd: " Dare, bitches. "

"Ooo... you got balls." Well normally must people will go for true so ya,he has balls .

Cd: " Duh.  No balls means no babies. Not babies means no more future generations. Right babe?"

He snuggled his face into Claire's neck making Claire blush fury red. Cute!

Dy: "Humm... I dare you to wear a bra till we allow you to remove. It must be pink and sparkly. You can borrow it from your mate you know. She has it and it looks sexyyy. "

Cd: " What...?!  Come on...can you give me another one?"

Care whines but Daisy was set on embarrassing him so you know what the answer will be.

Dy: " How about... no. Go. You have 3 minutes. Time starts...now."

We burst out laughing after the time is over. Cade walks in 'sexily' with the bra as he wraps his hands around himself . The bra looks tight on him as it hugs his rib tightly and the pinky and sparkly bra matches well with his jeans. "What do you think of your Barbie, Claire? "

Ce: " Bwahahaha! You look hilarious!  I need to take a picture of this.  Just don't rip my bra please. I love that."

Snap! We turn our heads to the source of camera shutter to find Daisy waving Cade's special photo in the air, her fingers near time the send button that will send that picture to the whole pack.

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