Marry Me?

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Claire's POV:

"Eh, Daisy, should we have some girl time with Selena? It's been days since we last got together. We can go shopping or pedicure or maybe to the pub?" I suggest to Daisy. 

"Sure but as you know, she is prego so pub is out of the question but shopping and pedicure....alright! Let's go ask Carter first if he allows us to bring Selena out." 

"Okie! Let's gooo!"

"Hey! Slow down bitch!" Daisy reprimands me jokingly as she don't really mean that when she called me bitch.

" Yes dearie!" We laugh as we walk to his office.

"Hey Carter, we were thinking if we can bring Selena out for clothes shopping and pedicure,so can we?"

An awkward silence later..... 

"No." He replied sternly and seriously.

"What?!Seriously?" We whined out in chorus. "Please...just this time?" We pulled out the puppy eyes technique trying to trick him into agreeing but sadly it did not work at all as he rejected our request once again.

"No means no! You better listen to me. Selena is pregnant with our pups and I do not want to see them in danger especially when Blake and her father are out on the loose! They might strike anytime!" He announced in his Alpha tone causing us to cower in fear. 

"Yes Alpha..." We sulk and turned around preparing to exit.

"Wait!How about can you gurls help me out in something? Come here for a sec." He motions us closer and told us his plans. Oh this will be so awesome and fun! We squealed playfully before dashing off to find Selena.

Selena's POV:

"Girls, what are y'all doing?" I look around questioningly as I look at Daisy and Claire sprinting here and there excitingly digging clothes and shoes out ,throwing them on my bed.

"Go take a shower Selena! Bathe in the nicest-smelling soap and shave or whatsoever. Just go now!" Daisy pushed me into the bathroom leaving me in suspense. I shrugged it off and did what she told me to. I had a warm bubble bath with sweet smelling honey and strawberry scented soap ( I know it sounds weird but it is actually very sweet smelling!) ,shaved,dried my hair and dried my body off with a towel Daisy threw to me just before I locked the bathroom door. Oh undies! They're not with me! "Ummm girls,can you pass me my undergarments?" I pleaded slightly,embarrassed at the thought where I could actually forget bringing in my own undies.

"Here you go!" Claire chirped from outside as she passes me a lacy black bra and panties with silver laces around the stripes. Why did she even pass me this? I groan at the thought but gave up as it is better to have something to wear than nothing. I slipped them on before stepping out of the bathroom to see both of them grinning crazily. Is it something on my face? I reach up to clean my face but was stopped even before I could do so . They drag me to my bed and made me close my eyes as they did their magic. I have no idea why they are doing this but ...lets just go with the flow. After what seems like forever, all the movements around me stop . I open my eyes to see them holding a magnificent sleek dark-blue dress with diamonds that goes diagonally across my chest from my shoulder blade to my hips. Its! "Watcha waiting for? Stand up so we can put this on for you!" Claire sassed while Daisy giggled .

Putting my hands in the air,they quickly slipped the dress on me and let me tell you what. It fits perfectly!  The dress hugs my curves well as the cross stripes trace nicely over my back as the ends of the dress flows freely at my feet.

"Catch! " I turned around just on time to see Daisy throw a pair of silver heels at me. I put it on and look at the mirror.  Wow! Is that me? She looks so beautiful and stunning! I stare blankly at the mirror at the pretty lady with great fashion sense . "Is that me?" "Nah, just your ghost." Claire replied scarstically.  Too bad no one is going to see this. "Thanks girls but don't you think it's all for nothing?  I mean,there's no one to show and it will be removed after our girl time ends. " As I reach my hands up to remove the dress,Claire slapped my hands away sharply. "Ouch! What's that for?" "Your not going to ruin it Mister, we spend a whole lot of effort just to make you look like this,so you better already the best use of it by...." Just then, someone knocked on the door impatiently.  Opening the door,my air got sucked put of my body. Standing there is an extremely well-defined Carter. His black coloured tux hugs his body making his 8-packs show ,just looking at him makes me want to run my tongue all over his 8-packs. Argh.. imagine pouring chocolate all over him as I lick his 8-packs clean. Damn,that will be so tasty...delicious.  " Umm... why are you here and dressed up like this? " "To bring you on a date of your life."

~Going to the end of the date~

Carter's POV:

Picking my balls up,I helped Selena to her feet before getting back down on one knee. I retrieve from my breast pocket a little box and held it out to her.

" Selena, I know I may not be the best mate on earth but I really love you a lot. I sorry that I failed you many times by not being able to protect you from danger and allowed you to keep getting hurt but I promise never to allow that to happen to you again. Bearing our pups,I couldn't express ho we happy I was to be able to start a family with you.  I love you too much to even let you go. Even without gravity,I will still fall for you. Only you. So may I have the honour to have you as my wife forever? Can you marry me Selena? " I open to case to show her the sapphire ring that I bought for her. Tears ran down her face smudging her makeup.

"No." My heart fell when she rejected my love. No...why didn't she accept me? I looked up broken to see her grinning like a toddler. " I would love to." My ears perked up at her words as me and Ranger howl in joy and happiness. Yes! She agrees! I jumped up in joy slipping the ring on her ring finger before spinning her happily in the air.

"Thank you. Thank you for making me so happy."

"Thank you for asking me. I love you Carter."

"I love you too,Selena. "

I pulled her into my tight embrace as I savour her touch as I take in her wonderful scent of a mixture of her's and mine and our pups.  This is just so much more wonderful than power or wealth.

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