She's Gone? (Part 2)

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Carter's POV:

'On my mark! 3....2....1....ATTACK! ' I announced thought our mind-link. We were hiding in the forest, camouflaging, laying down low. We immediately charged into action upon my count, creeping up silently into their territory. My men had taken care if those guards at the border as we advance forward.

As we crept in the packhouse, little did we know...we were ambushed. Shit! How did they know we're going to attack today? Warriors and hunters stood everywhere, surrounding us. Hunters?! When did they even work with hunters?!

'Do not show any fear. We attack as usual. Once I let out a cue,we attack.Ok? Try to aim their weak spots and help out. We have an advantage as we have more men but they have hunters.and guns ... which may have silver as bullets. Look out for one another and stay on a look out. The stronger ones take down the hunters while the rests take down the others. I want the least number of deaths. Understand? '

'Yes Alpha! '

I look around and saw the staircase leading down to the basement. I hightened my senses and took a deep breath. Strawberries and vanilla mixed with blood. Mate! Selena's down there! I let out a earth-shattering howl and let the party start!

As everyone were busy tearing one another's throat,I sprinted down for her. I arrived infront of a heavy looking metal door, stained with blood. I rammed at it mindlessly, breaking it down.

'Alpha,we had spot Alpha Blake. He is escaping from the back door, we're now chasing him.' One of my warriors reported to me. He's not going to escape.

'Capture him.I want him alive, not dead. After that,send him to the cell with the hidden torture chamber. Bring more men with you.Take care .' I sniffed and looked around the basement to find a secret passage hidden under a rug! Wow! That's a good way to hide,I should have one back in the packhouse.

I open the hidden door and it creaked open eerily, I ran down the flight of stairs to come face to face with another door. I placed my ears on the door and heard nothing. Not even a breath...I creaked open the door to find a saddening sight. My mate is lying on a so called bed with a knife plunged into her chest,her once flawless tanned skin is now covered with scars and bruises, her bottom filled with long scars and fingerprints left by the bastards...she's dead...dead...dead! My mate is dead and I can do nothing to save her!

Please Selena,do not leave me, I need you so much,much more than you need me. You are everything I can ask for. I am even willing to give you my life as long you can survive . Please love,return to me,don't leave me. I love you . You can't leave me,you promise to have kids with me and we will be the happiest family in werewolf history remember? So you can't leave me,I need you to accomplish them with me.

My eyes stings as my face turns wet. Am I crying? I brought up my hands to wipe my eyes to dry off the tears,only to invite more to escape. No...I should not cry,she wouldn't be happy about it.I held her tiny hands tightly in both of mine and brought it to my cheeks as I feel her warmth but there was none...her hands are icy cold and pale and...and...never mind...

'Alpha,do you need me to come down?' Frac asked from our hideout outside the packhouse.

'Alright,try to avoid the fight if possible. '

Before I could even turn back to look at her,he appeared at the door knocking lightly for permission to enter. I wave slightly as he advanced closer and carefully. He kneel down beside her body and set up his equipments. He dangerously removed the knife out of her chest and place a wire gauze and bandaged it up as blood continued to pour from the open wound.

"Doc,why isn't she healing?" I inquired Frac nervously as I watch her bandage get soaked up immediately,turning bright red .

"She hit a major vital organ and since she isn't able to heal due to the wolfsbane injected into her body and the mix of silver in it just doesn't help in the have a very very very low chance of survival." Frac whispered as he tend her other injuries which are almost equally bad.

Very very very...must he really emphasise on that? That she has a extremely low chance of survival? Wait a minute....if she has a very low chance of survival...does that mean..."You mean she's still alive?! She is still alive?! You serious?!" I practically squealed at his face like a little girl. He winced back slightly and nodded. Oops,my bad.

"She is alive Alpha..but barely surviving. She needs to get operated on immediately or else we will lose her...for good." Without second thought,I picked her up bridal style and dashed back but not before asking my pack members to return with me after I managed to escape this hell hole.

As I ran back into the forest to cross the border,this scene seems so familiar it keeps bugging me and couldn't get out of my mind. Did this happen last time? I pondered as I zapped past all odds with Frac struggling to catch up behind my tail,along with the others.

'David,Cade,go and see if any of the pack members needs help and go check on the women and pups,make sure no one is missing.' I turned off the mind link as I focused on bringing Selena to the Emergency Rescue room. Once she was down,she was immediately wheeled into action. Before I can even enter the operating theater,Frac locked the door and mouthed sorry before becoming hero.

I paced and sighed,paced and sighed. This scene also seems too seems like it had happened before! did happened before...and I also failed to save her until she was close to couldn't just stand here and do nothing,I did that last time but not now. One thing for sure,I'm never letting her go. i broke my promise twice already,I really useless,I can't even promise her a simple thing. I knocked down the doors and darted into the operating theater.











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