Stay Alive ,Please

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Carter's POV:
"Alpha,we are ready to set off now!" Cade yelled from the hall.
"I'll be down soon. Make sure at least some warriors are kept here to protect the rest of the pack."
Today is the day we attack Blake and rescue my mate. We just hope that he would leave his house just when we attack so we can kill him on the spot.
"Follow me!" I barked to the warriors following me as we shifted into our wolves, preparing for the attack. We wasted no time and started sprinting into the middle east forest where Blake's packhouse is in.
I'm confirm for you my love. Stay strong for the pack,for yourself and for me. Oh Lord Almighty, please watch ever my pack and me as we go and safe my mate. Thank you.

Selena's POV:
"Alpha,you need to go now, your getting late for the meeting."
"One more time and I will leave. Now go."
"Yes Alpha. "
I watch them lifelessly on the hard and cold metal ground as they interact. Jerkface is powerful isn't he? Even his pack ember is afraid of him...
I let out a laugh at the scene of his pack member scurrying away upon order like a little girl running away. Pathetic. Well,I'm also pathetic. Fuck my life.
Jerkface return snarling at me as he held up his fist, towering over me as he pressed my body down hard on the ground. His fist launches over and over down onto my stomach hard and deep till my airway is filled with a thick liquid,blocking my airflow.
The thick liquid was soon hit out of my body as he landed another blow on my chest,knocking out all the air and breaking a few of my rib bones and puncturing the lung on the left.
He leaned down to my face facing me face to face." Damn,you smell so good, how about this? I release you from being my stress release toy to.... my sex slave? Good? " He grinned evilly.
Sex slave?! Bullshit! Like I am that cheap to give my body to you,asshole. Hell no. My anger boil and I spitted blood into his eyes,giving him a death glare.
"You bitch!"He roared,rubbing my blood off his face and gave another blow to my cheeks.
"Say bye bye, whore. " He snickered like Chucky and get off me. Before I could even comprehend what he was going to do, a shot rang out in the air as a sharp pain descended into my left chest like a bitch.
I give up. I'm done with life. Good bye troubles. I soon fell into the blackhole in peace.

Carter's POV:
"Almost there,keep up guys!" I cheered on my team as we were soon reaching Blake's packhouse.
Suddenly, a sharp pain shot into my chest, leaving me breathless and groaning on the forest bed.
"Carter! You alright? " David came up,helping me up. His eyes filled with worry and concern as he looked at me. couldn't be! How could she be dead? No way...
'Ranger, our mate is alive right?' I asked hoping that it was fake.
'I couldn't feel her,all I feel is the emptiness in me...I'm sorry Carter but we must prepare for the worst ...' He trailed off whispering in my head.
'Fuck, can't be! Your kidding right?!' My eyes filled with hatred and red. He is going to die. He is. Confirm plus chop.
I sped up and barged in without second thoughts and grabbed the nearest servant. "Where is he!?"
"He....he left...a while ago..." The servant's small size body shook uncontrollably and She stood rooted to the ground, face as pale as a sheet of paper.
'Alpha! Come quick! " Cade's voice was filled with anxiety as he called out for my attention.
I immediately dashed to him following his voice ,to find home in a underground basement. Selena...? No...Hell no. That's not her. My mate is not dead,She is still alive ...not dead...
"There's a heart beat." I sound my head around quickly to see my pack doctor kneeling down beside my mate's body, feeling her pulse.
"We need her back in the packhouse now. Or She will not be able to survive... " I immediately lifted her body up bridal style as she remained motionless in my arms.
"Move ." I ordered to my warriors but they stood there like statues blocking my way.What the hack are they thinking?!
I look down to see my mate's naked body and body heat radiating from her. Oh,she's still in heat ...
"Quit staring and get out of my way!" I snarled at them and pushed passed my way against them. Soon their senses kicked into them and they trailed behind me guarding their Alpha and there future Luna from harm as we dashed back as fast as we could.
Please, stay alive love. I can't live without you. You're going to make it. You're stronger than any of the other girls so you better survive this you hear me?!

That's all foe this chapter.Hope you guys love it. I would try to update soon. Be sure to read the next chapter.
Bye dearies, for now.

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