Plan no plan

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Selena's POV:

No...he can't be way...why isn't he dead? Why isn't he 100 feet under? I'm alright with James alive but not when jerkface is alive. I going to kill him myself this time for sure,for what he did to me. But....I look down to my baby bump Which grew significantly larger from when I woke up , I can't, I might harm the pups, I can't risk them. I will just have to wait for 2 more months, for now, I just need to protect them from harm.

Since I'm a werewolf,werewolf pregnancy is only 4 months long but since I'm down with twins, it is sped up by a month earlier. Just thinking that I'm going to be due soon,it scares the creeps out of me..What if I'm not good enough for them? What if I die during childbirth? Will I even get to see my pups? down, nothing is going to go wrong...just calm down. I took a deep breath in and let it out as I relaxed myself .

I should check on Carter. He had been wracking his mind The past 5 days for a workable plan so we can strike anytime they come.

Carter's POV:

DAMN! WHY CAN'T I JUST THINK OF SOMETHING EFFECTIVE? I smack my head down on the office table as I ruffle by hair,making me look like a lunatic.

"Sup Carter." Cade made himself a grand opening into my office cheerfully. Since we are very close together with David too,I allow them to call me Carter when we are alone but they like making a fool about it and call me Alpha.

"What do you want? I'm sucked up now,can't you see..." I groaned irritated by all the shit in my face.

"Chill dude,whatsya prob? " He stare at my face as he make himself comfortable on my office couch.

"Blake's not dead, along with Selena's father and I'm afraid that they might strike anytime and Selena is also pregnant! Can't we have some peace?! Urgh!!! " I bang my head on the table repeatedly until Cade smacked my head from behind making my head hit the table thrice as harder than before. "What the hell dude?" I growl at him playfully. He held his hands up faking surrender before sitting right in front of me.

" about this. We start training the weaker ones first. There is a high chance that Blake's pack would strike either when Selena is in labour or when she just give birth to your pups. So we have plenty,Well not that much time but just enough to train the pack to the top so when they strike,we will be ready enough to take them on face to ass. So shall we start training them now?"

Why is he smarter than me this time? To think that I thought I'm smarter. Oh well, suck it up and just do as he say. "Let's go kick some asses!" He nodded enthusiastically and ran out of my office.

' All males except elders and children, please come downstairs for a moment. "

I went out to see them chatting among themselves as they ask one another if they know what is it about. Stepping downstairs, many 'Alpha's' are called out respectfully as they now down before me. Signalling them to lift up their heads, I started my small little speech." Well we know that my mate,you Luna, was held captive by Alpha Blake and he is not dead so we have to keep our guards up until they strike again. Since your Luna is pregnant with the future leaders ,that makes her more vulnerable to them making her a easier target to Blake and his pack members, not forgetting her father,James. So from until now till she gives birthday,we will be in high security measures and you guys would be trained by Cade, David and I so that we will next ready anytime they strike. Btw, I want more guards around the pack house at night. Those on duty please bring 2 or 3 others with you for your safety. Got it? " "Yes Alpha!" They chorused loudly in usion. "Great,Let's get started. I want my strongest warriors to my right, you guys will be helping out in training the newer and ones with least experience. I want those family men to stand aside, you will stay and guard the pack house. Those weaker ones and with least experience, please partner yourself up with one of the strongest warriors. 3 of the newer ones with one strong warrior. Understand? Roll on."

Let the games begin.

Unknown's POV:

She's pregnant... good news to boss. I should tell him quickly. Boss say that once he is done with her,we can have her as our personal toy! I can't wait, she long silky hair and slim body like a model's, aww.. she should be my mate and bear my pups instead of that piece of shit Carter.

"Alpha,I'm here with news." I kneel down before him. He raise his hands lazily and waved for me to continue as he drank from his cup. "She's pregnant. Carter's mate. With twins." Just then I feel water being sprayed on me. What the shit? Can it be more gross that this? Yuck! " What?! You're telling me that my toy is pregnant with that son of a bitch pup?"He asks madly as I dry myself." No Alpha,twins. Not one." "Great,we will wait and strike once she give birth to those puppies. She will be the most vulnerable then. It would be easier to get her. I don't care about her pups,I just want her. At least Carter will have someone to accompany him till old while I have Mine too. Muahahaha... " He roars with joy and laughter before dismissing me away with glee.

Oh I can't wait for the day to arrive.

James's POV:

No shit man,Alpha Blake called me and say that my good for nothing daughter is pregnant with that asshole Alpha's pups? Twins I say. I knew that she is a slut,a whore,a good for nothing but only good enough for her pathetic death . How I hate her ,she made me lose my MATE! My one and only mate! She was so beautiful, so gentle,so lovable like an angel in disguise. And then she came and took her away form me! She and her pathetic little face,I hope she rots in hell while I dance on her grave.

Heyy, I know this is kinda short but there are just too much homework to do. So I'll try to make it up to y'all next chapter. Hope u like it!

Seeya next time!

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