My Prediction Is Right

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Daisy's POV (David's mate):

Its been three long and depressing days since our yet to be Luna had passed on. The whole pack are busy preparing for Selena's funeral. Carter stays silent and never leaves her side. I miss we spent time together talking about boys and stuff before she got kidnapped again by Blake...talking about Blake, he is a shitty asshole. He made me lose one of my best girl friend. Me, Selena and Claire are close to each other, practically sisters! We have the same interests, hobbies, sense of style...maybe and we are all pranksters. When we first saw her, we thought that she is those quiet and shy girl but, hell no...we're wrong. She's the best and worst friend and prankster. Basically the master of disguise. We had so much more to do, why must she leave now?

"Daisy, lets go. We have to prepare for Selena's funeral . " David placed his arm on my shoulder as he guides me away from Selena's lifeless body and Carter's horrible state. I can tell that he is also disheartened but he held back his tears so he could be Carter's and my pillar of support.

We went back into our room to change into our clothes. I wore a not to fancy long black dress ,curled my hair and applied some lip gloss. What? I'm attending a funeral ,not a fancy dress party. David on the other hand wore a sleek black suit which is well pressed and gelled his hair so it does not look messy. We should show some respect for Selena, shouldn't we?

We exited our room to find Cade and Claire if they were done. Yup they were done but moaning sounds could be heard along the corridor so...we decided not to interrupt. David's face distorted in disgust as he knocked firmly on their door, stopping their make-out session. I can guess that Claire would be blushing with embarrassment and guilt now. I mean, they are going to attend our Luna's funeral and instead of comforting our Alpha, they decided to swap spits? I'm grossed out. What kind of friend are they?

Carter's POV:

Its been three days! Three f**king days without my mate! I couldn't leave her...she might not be dead...what if the doctors concluded wrongly? There should be a mistake,she's going to wake up,I can feel it.

I have been telling the pack members not to prepare for the funeral as Selena is not dead but the elders insists that the funeral shall be held and I'm currently only brainwashed to think that Selena is going to wake up like a living dead, some even said that its the stress that I'm facing that made me like this but no. I perfectly well. I have a feeling that Selena is going to return to me and I know it will indeed happen. She will wake up day, but until that day comes, I will not give up on her no matter what the elders or doctors say.

I massage her hands and legs hoping that her body will not feel too stiff when she wakes up. Daisy had been looking at us from outside the room since day one and never fails to stop seeing Selena when she has time. I'm really glad I have such a loyal Pack member in my pack. How did I know? Well,I have eyes behind my head. I'm a monster, Raghhh! Just kidding. There is a mirror beside Selena's body that faces the door so I could see whoever that walks past or stands there.

I stood up and inched my forehead lower to touch her's to feel for any warmth . I can feel warmth but I have no idea where is it coming from, maybe it came from me. I sigh and place a kiss on her once cherry blossom lips . I sat back down beside her and hugged her body as I snuggled my head under her arm.

"Ca..Car...Car..Cart..ter?" Who called me?! I sat up in alarm as I heard Selena's voice. What brought tear to my eyes is the sight that I predicted. She's awake...Selena's awake...she's finally awake! Oh my goodness...I can't believe this, my mate is alive! I immediately wrapped my arms around her small frame pulling myself closer to her while showering her with kisses. She giggled as she kissed back on my cheeks. I pouted . After scaring me to death, she only gives me a peck on the cheeks? She seems to get what I want and leans in to kiss me on the lips.

"I love you. Don't ever leave me again, promise?"

She hesitated before speaking," I love you too and I promise not to leave you again. "

I can sense that she was not speaking the truth from her eyes but decided to let it slip. As long she is in my arms, I will do my best and try to not let her go.

'David, cancel the funeral. Don't ask me anything. Just cancel it and find me in my room along with Daisy, Cade and Claire, especially Daisy.' I blocked the link and carried her to my room ...I mean our room and placed her down carefully like glass before tucking her into our bed. I don't care if she did not bathe for a few weeks ,as long as she is safe and sound, I'm fine with anything which includes washing her clothes. What? I don't wash clothes so washing her clothes is very big to me ok? Don't judge. * glare*

Nothing is gonna change my love for Selena. I will do anything for her, no matter how dangerous it is . I will also accept her no matter how she looks . I know I sound cheezy but true words are never cheezy. I love her from the bottom of my heart. The fact that she is once again alive allows me to make it up to her. I will treasure every moment and every minute with her and not let them go to waste.







. is it? Hope you love it. I know there's not much action in it but I do better in the next chappie.

Seeya! ;) ~squidtcyc

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