Happiest day

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Cater's POV:

"Hey Alpha..." The pack's slut Jamie purred as she sat on my office desk. With boobs that would soon fall out of her shirt anytime sooner and pants that looks like panties ,hunting for guys to sleep with day and night, if I do not call that a slut,what else?

My face distorted with utter disgust while I looked back down into my work,trying hard to focus.

It is now the fourth week my mate is in coma but she still doesn't show any signs of improvement. Wait till I get my hands on that bastard, he would pay for the damages inflicted on her.



"Frac,how is her condition?Will she be able to wake up soon?" I asked worriedly as we sat in his private office in the basement.

"See for yourself." Frac hands me a yellowish file and pointed a it ,signaling for my to see its contents.

What I saw took my breath away. Not in a good way but in a bad one...no...a SUPER BAD one. My eyes turned into 50 shades of black and all I see is red.

A punctured lung with a bullet hole near the windpipe,10 broken rib bones, 5 long scars caused by knives, a cracked jaw,a broken nose,traces of yellowish and blackish bruises all around her body,from top to toe,burnt marks caused by intense heat and reports stating to be malnourished,dehydrated ...

The list goes on and on. I crumpled up the report in my hands and threw it at the wall.That son of a bitch is going to pay.He will suffer,suffer very badly. He will get two times the suffering or maybe...I will give him a little bonus for the finale.

Flashback end:

Still Carter's POV:

"Babe? Are you alright? Let me make love to you to relieve you from your stress honey poooo.." She cooed horriedly ,stroking my cheeks as her hands travelled down south in a flash of light. Just before she could reach for my shaft, I was shook out of my daze and grabbed her hand tightly.

"Don't you dare touch me! Touch me and you're dead,understand? BTW, what is honey pooo? It sounds like a cow mooing for shit.Get out of my sight,now!" I used my Alpha tone on her knowing her personality. She would do anything just to get into a guy's pants.

She shot me a glare before turning away,flipping her hair back and stomping away like a bitch.I sighed and went back into my work to prevent my thoughts from wandering.

'Alpha,she's awake!' Frac mind-linked me sounding estatic.

'Really?!' I jumped out of my seat and rushed down without second thought. I opened the door to see my love sitting up and chatting happily with Frac like nothing had happened. My heart swelled with pride. She will indeed become a good Luna for our pack.

"Carter,come here you big baby."She patted to her side of the bed,motioning for me to come. I ran into her arms and she hugged me,wiping away my tears which I did not relise were there. I buried my head into the crook of her neck,inhealing deep,calming Ranger and I down,knowing that our mate is alive. Looking at my mark,I lowered my head and apologised.

"Never mind. You did it in order to save me. Thank you and ...I love you." She giggled slightly and gave me a peck on my cheek.

My wolf howled in joy. Not only did she forgive us,she also said that she loves us and gave me a kiss!!

"Thank you for forgiving me and accepting me. I love you too. Please,do not ever leave my side ever again." She chuckled sweetly as I pulled her into a deeper and more passionate kiss that left her weak in my arms and leaving use breathless.

"By the way.....um....can we...canwecompletethematingprocess?" I smiled sheepily as my cheeks flushed red as I rubbed the back of my neck,waiting for her reply.

"That depends on you big boy..." She lowered her head in embarrassment as she avoided my gaze.

Lets just say that we are one by the next day. I couldn't be happier.















So...I hope its nice. Stay tune for the next upcoming chapter!

Bye for now.

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