Chapter 9

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(A/N: Thank you for 1000 reads so enjoy another chapter. XxD)


"Hi Mischief, what is it that I can do for you today?" Angie asked with a grin as held her phone to her ear with her shoulder, holding files and two coffee cups in her hands.

"Ok, I help save you from a pack of murderous alphas and you can't even tell me that there's a triple homicide from a family murdering axe murderer?! What kind of a sister are you?!"

"Baby brother, last I checked you weren't the Sheriff. You aren't really in the loop when it comes to regular homicides. And I saved your ass from your evil doppelganger who was possessed by an evil spirit, so are we not even?" she retorted as she walked into her father's office, exchanging her pile of files for another on his desk and leaving one of the coffee cups for him.

"Angel, look, just please tell me about the family murdering axe-murderer and I'll leave you alone. I promise."

"Stiles, that is the equivalent of putting Kate in front of Peter and making him promise not to kill her. It's never going to happen," she replied as she balanced the coffee cup in her hands while leaving certain piles of files on specific deputies' desks.

"Ok, that's actually a really good analogy. But sue me for wanting to do my duty and protect my town."

She actually stopped in her tracks at his sentence, right in front of Parrish's desk.

"Everything ok?" he asked as he looked up from his computer to see her on the phone as she handed him the coffee.

"Mischief, you're not the Sheriff and until the unfortunate day when this town elects you Sheriff, you will not be getting any information out of me. Now get to class!" she exclaimed as she heard him grumbling on the other end.

"Most irresponsible thing I've ever heard. Unbelievable.... Love you, Angie."

"I love you too, Mischief. Now please don't make dad regret paying for your education."

And she hung up as she sighed tiredly before perching herself on Jordan's desk.

"Your brother sounds like a handful," he laughed as she took the coffee back and sipped from it.

"He just wants to help. He means well. But he gets really annoying sometimes."

"I'll take your word for it. Hey, I thought you didn't like my coffee order?" he asked as she drank from the to-go cup again.

"Well, it's at least bearable with some sugar in it. My vanilla latte is still better though," she answered as he gave her a look of disbelief.

"I thought I was your friend. What have I done to you that warrants messing with my coffee order? Which is a punishable offence, mind you."

"By whose law?"

"Mine. And anyone who drinks coffee," he said, deadly serious about it as she laughed and took another sip of his coffee before handing it back.

"Well, you could use it to sweeten you up. Not that you really need it. It's just something my mom used to say anytime someone didn't take sugar in their coffee," she revealed with a nostalgic smile.

"Then I'll take it gladly," he said as he drank from it, surprised at how much better it actually tasted with the sugar. "I have a feeling I'll need this for the paperwork you're about to give me."

"Or you could do that later and we could go check out the crime scene like I know you've been dying to do."

He blanched. "Angie - how did you-"

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