Chapter 103

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Angie loved it when her house was full. And right now, Stiles and Lydia were crashing in Stiles' room, Theo was in his and Ethan and Jackson took the spare room as Isaac took the couch seeing as he didn't want to crash at Scott's place where Scott with be with Allison, Isaac's ex. Granted, he was seeing this pretty French girl that he'd shown Angie photos of, he'd still prefer to not sleep in the same house as Scott and Allison. Chloe and her parents were also dead to the world when someone knocked on the door.

"You are all dead to me," Angie shouted at the sleeping people, including her husband as she trudged towards the door. "Eli, why are even awake and why are you at my door?" she asked as she pulled it open, rubbing her eyes.

"Uh, it's almost four in the afternoon, Aunt Angie, on Monday – the whole Nogitsune thing was three days ago. Dad and I just got up and he wanted to know if you guys wanted to come over for breakfast," Eli said. Deucalion and Peter had taken Angie and Cora's rooms at Derek's house – Cora flying in to see her family soon seeing as Stiles' FBI contacts didn't exactly extend across continents...yet.

"Ok. If I start now, I should be able to get them up in like an hour," Angie huffed.

"Uh, I was also hoping to maybe talk to Chloe," Eli asked hopefully.

"You mean about kissing her?"

Eli turned red. "Amongst other things."

"Good luck waking her up. And the door stays open."

"Sure thing, Aunt Angie," Eli muttered as he headed for the stairs and Angie went into the lounge to try and wake up Isaac only to end up pushing him off the sofa.

"Get up. We're going next door for breakfast...even though it's almost dinner time. Jordan! Get up off your ass!"

Eli ignored the rest of his Aunt's screaming as she attempted to wake up the dead wolves inside her house and he made his way to Chloe's room.

It hardly changed over the years asides from the rearranging of it. Her bed was in the middle of her room under a window with white gossamer curtains. Her desk sat next to the door to her closet, textbooks pens and her laptop sitting on it while on the other side of the room by her bathroom door were her bookshelves, filled both with books and pictures of her family. Her walls were covered in band posters and more photos of her friends and family. One of his favourites was the framed photo that sat on one of her bedside tables. It was the day that Eli found out he made the lacrosse team. She was holding his jersey with his last name printed on the back as he lifted her up, both of them with the biggest smiles on their faces.

Right now though, Chloe was wearing one of her father's old t-shirts from the army as she slept, tangled in the sheets as her hair was fanned out on her pillow. Eli grinned as he toed off his shoes and jumped on the bed next to her.

"Go away, dad. I'll get up later," Chloe muttered in her sleep as she pushed at him tiredly, her head falling onto his shoulder.

"Wrong person, Chlo," he grinned before her hand moved up to feel his face.

"E, why are you in my bed, in my house?" she mumbled, her hand flopping back down on his chest.

"Well, uh, my dad, invited everyone over for-for breakfast," Eli answered, his face red.

"Doesn't explain....why you' my bed."

"Well I-" he took a deep breath, Chloe feeling his chest move and his heartbeat, "-I wanted to talk to you. a-about our kiss."

She was awake now.

"What about it?" she asked as she sat up, leaning against her headboard as Eli shifted to sit up next to her.

"Well, I just wanted to know how you felt about it."

"How do you feel about it?" she countered.

"That's just it. I don't know. I know I liked it but beyond that...that's why I figured we could talk it out."

Chloe took a really deep breath as she began to fidget with her fingers. "Then I guess I should come clean."

"About what?" he asked.

"Just shut up and let me get this out before I lose the guts to do it," she said as she turned to face him but her eyes stayed down on her fingers. "I-I like you, Eli."

"What? Why?" he asked. She was so beautiful that she could have any guy in school. Why him?

"God, you're so stupid. You're my best friend, you idiot. No one can make me laugh like you do. No one can make me feel as safe as you do. And as annoying as you are, I love seeing you smile and I love it when it's because of me." Her smile faded a little bit. "But if you don't feel the same, I get it. We can go back to being friends and pretend that this -"

Chloe's hair was soft in his hands as he gripped her head, pulling her lips to meet his. This was nothing like their first kiss. This was a kiss where they had all the time in the world to enjoy the feeling of each other as she melted into his touch. For someone whose first kiss was a tiny peck on the lips during a game of spin in the bottle in middle school, Eli was a surprisingly good kisser. Not that she would tell him - she knew him and she knew she'd never hear the end of it.

"I don't want to pretend it didn't happen and I don't want to go back to being friends," Eli said softly as he leaned his forehead against hers, their noses brushing as he tucked her hair behind her ear.

"But I thought - the other day when we were in the Jeep, you were staring at that girl."

Eli laughed as he pulled away a little. "Do you think I'd be looking at another girl if I even thought I had a chance with you?"

"So you-"

"I want to give us a go. That is if you want to."

"I want to if you want to."

"Well I want to."

"Then I want to, too."

"Can I kiss you again?" Eli asked and she smiled as she leaned in.

But they jerked apart before their lips could touch as Angie walked past Chloe's room whacking the bottom of a saucepan with a wooden spoon.

"If you lazy asses don't get up right now, you're all going to end up sharing a shallow grave with Gerard! Starting with you Jordan!" she shouted over the banging of the pot. And when she spotted her daughter awake she came to lean on the doorframe, pointing at them with her spoon. "Don't bother getting dressed, we're leaving now. Screw the rest of them, I'm hungry. Let them sleep and starve, there's only so much I can do to save them."

"Ok, how about we put down the spoon and frying pan first, mom?" Chloe suggested.

"Please tell me that Derek is doing his famous breakfast spread. I need his pancakes in my life after all that crap," Angie said as she looked at Eli who was a little nervous about the fact that he was sitting in the bed of the girl he really liked and they had almost been caught making out.

"Uh, from what I saw, you'd have your pick Aunt Angie. Chocolate chip, blueberry, strawberry."

"Good. And, uh, I would recommend you two keep the PDA to a minimum in front of your uncles. That is if you value Eli's life," Angie said with a mischievous wink before walking out of the room.

"Hey," Chloe said as she turned Eli's worried face to her. "Relax. They gotta go through me first. And your girlfriend is part hellhound and part werewolf, I'm not going down easy," she finished as she pecked his lips and then hopped off her bed.

"My girlfriend?" Eli questioned as she reached the door, her father's shirt hanging down to the middle of her thighs.

"You said you wanted to give us a go," she smirked over her shoulder. "You coming, boyfriend?"

"Fuck yeah."

And he chased her.

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