Chapter 33

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Angie's heart had never been more broken when she heard the way her brother spoke to her on the phone and she'd never felt angrier. No one, not even a true alpha and most certainly not a pathetic little beta, hurts her Mischief.

She took the keys to Jordan's car since hers was still at her father's house as she pulled up at the animal clinic to see her brother sitting against his jeep in the rain. Rain that masked his tears. Both of which soaked her shirt as she got out of the car and pulled her baby brother into her arms as she kissed his head.

He was kind of really glad his Jeep wouldn't start right now and she'd had to come and get him.

"Get in the car, Stiles," she instructed after letting him hold her for a minute.

"But- Angie-"

"Just go. I'll be there in a second," she promised as he did so.

The second she saw her little brother sitting on the floor like that, her only concern was making sure he was ok. That sort of flew out the window when she saw the cracked imprint a bloody wrench had made on the windscreen of the Jeep before resting on the hood.

And she marched into the animal clinic, so very nearly tearing the door off its hinges as she entered the operating room where Liam was standing opposite Scott and Theo who was next to a miserable Hayden.


But Scott's voice only enraged her further as she lifted him up by his neck and slammed him into the wall, the supermoon one night off from being full and already affecting Angie's control as it fuelled her rage.

"There has never been a day when Stiles wasn't there for you. Not once! And you didn't even listen to his side of the story! You are unfit to call yourself his best friend!" she spat as she slammed him onto the wall again.

"Angie," he groaned as he squeezed her wrist and Liam placed a hand on her arm.

"Let him go!"

Her eyes only glowed red.

"Stay out of this!" she growled as he flinched back, submitting to her. "And until you learn how to actually be a friend, stay the hell away from Mischief. He's only human. He can't heal from the pain you put him through."

And she threw Scott to the floor before her gaze landed on Theo and her fury doubled as she advanced on him, her eyes still red as he tried to dodge her, but she was too fast for him.

Theo's nose gushed blood as it flooded down his face, staining his teeth and shirt as he collapsed to the ground. "If you ever even speak to or look in Stiles' direction again, I will kill you. And I won't feel guilty about it for a second."

"Wait! Angie, wait!" Liam blurted as the angry alpha turned on him. "Hayden's dying. She can't heal like we do but if we can make her like us then maybe she can heal from this! Scott won't do it but, you could!"

Angie only dropped her eyes to Hayden before looking back at Liam.

"When I became an alpha, I made a vow that I would never subject someone to my bite whether they asked for it or not. My best friend was strong but the bite killed her. And in the condition Hayden is in, she'd never survive. I'm sorry Liam."

And with that Angie stormed out of the clinic.

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