Chapter 39

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They'd gotten Kira. They'd saved her from Skinwalkers in the desert before returning to Beacon Hills where the Sheriff was back at work but still with a cane and Argent was back in town and had reported 23 dead bodies. Jordan was out of his mind with worry because it looked like his dream was coming true. Angie had brought up the prospect of him being a black dog - she preferred the term Hellhound - but Jordan wasn't ready to accept it. She'd even found the book that Lydia found about the Wild Hunt and how the hellhound was a guardian of the supernatural and not a beast, but he was too scared to believe it yet. And she didn't blame him. She didn't even know if she was right, but the description seemed to fit. However, she couldn't find what Theo had meant about Lydia discovering why they were connected. That unnerved her.

Meanwhile, Scott was more concerned with something Chris had done. Something that was a necessary evil in order to defeat whatever the Dread Doctors had created.

He'd healed Gerard.

The same Gerard who manipulated Kate into burning the Hales alive.

The same Gerard who manipulated Allison and tried to kill Derek.

The same Gerard who blinded Deucalion during a peace summit.

The same Gerard who was the reason Deucalion formed his alpha pack and came after Angie.

The same Gerard who was the real reason Angie was kidnapped for 5 years.

It was Gerard's fault that everything happened the way it did.

And when Chris showed them the mural – a fresco, he called it - that depicted the Beast of Gevaudan, the Dread Doctors resurrection, fighting the Hellhound over a mountain of dead bodies, he knew he'd have to tell Angie. Well, more like show her. She was connected to Jordan after all, and this was the only way Jordan would believe he was a hellhound.

And he was very, very glad that Jordan was with them as they walked through the tunnels on their way to meet Gerard, a little fact that Angie didn't know about. Chris had already begged her not to be mad, but it just made her more mad. So, he'd warned Parrish that he might have to help hold her back. Peace never seemed to be the option around here. Then again, peace never was an option when it came to dealing with his father.

Because when he twisted the emblem of a snake eating itself and a doorway opened up, Angie didn't have the words to describe how shocked and how pissed off she was.

"So, we meet again, Angie," Gerard greeted and her hair flipped onto her shoulder as she shifted and let out the angriest roar they'd ever heard. Scott and Jordan, and even Chris joined in to hold back the raging alpha who was a lot stronger than they anticipated.

"Angie!" Scott yelled.

"Angie, calm down! Let us explain!" Chris urged as they struggled.

"Angie! Calm down!" Jordan shouted, his voice getting through to her, but she wasn't anywhere near calm.

"It was you! It was your fault!" she growled demonically. "Everything!"

"And now, I'm the only one who can help you," Gerard said smugly and Angie's rage came back tenfold.

"Stop talking!" Chris bellowed at his father.

"Baby! Stop! Look at me! Look at me!" Jordan ordered as he held her face, blocking her view of Gerard as Scott and Chris held her arms. "Who are your anchors?! Tell me! Who are your anchors?!"

She roared in his face.

"WHO ARE YOUR ANCHORS!?" he screamed back louder as his eyes glowed orange; a fact Chris didn't miss as her red eyes fixed on Jordan and she answered him.

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