Chapter 30

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(A/N: Thank you for 10,000 reads! Hope you enjoy! XxD)


All of them were unaware of what could happen to them when the Dread Doctors pulled them onto a frequency outside of their comprehension, a frequency where everything felt so real. Not that they knew it at first.

Because at first, it felt like Lydia really had her tongue pulled out by Tracy.

It felt like Malia had her limbs eaten by bear traps.

And it felt like Scott had been stabbed and choked by Kira.

At first, Angie's leg was just bouncing up and down as they anxiously waited inside Jordan's car.

"Stop," Jordan said as he covered her knee with his hand. "It's only going to make your anxiety worse."

She laughed humourlessly. "Waiting makes my anxiety worse. I hate waiting. You feel so useless when all you can do is wait."

"Please, you are far from useless, Ange. You know damn well how to put your skills to use."

And she rolled her head to the side as her eye met his and then drifted down to his lips before Jordan closed the distance between them. It was hot and heavy as they made out over the console, Angie quick to pull Jordan's shirt over his head and Jordan quick to rip all the buttons on Angie's blouse open to reveal the red lace bra she wore beneath it.

It was when their lips reconnected, and Angie's claws dug into the skin on his chest only for the wounds to smoke as they healed. That was when their visions changed.

Where Jordan saw Angie's skin change as it became burned and blackened like he'd seen in his nightmare, Angie saw her own worst nightmare come true. She saw Jordan, slashed and bruised and bloody in front of her before her eyes drifted down to her fingers, her claws that were covered in his blood. She saw him hurt and killed by her own hands.

Her fear overwhelmed her as she unconsciously let her eyes glow and Jordan's glowed in response. Though, the second their hands touched they were broken from their nightmares as their chests heaved. But where Angie usually spoke first in these situations, her voice bringing Jordan back to reality, this time Jordan spoke first.

"Sleep," he ordered and her eyes fluttered closed as she fell unconscious in her seat, Jordan taking the time to button the few buttons on her shirt that were still there before he started his car. And he headed straight to the animal clinic to collect Josh's dead body.


When Angie woke, she was wrapped in Jordan's arms as they lay on his couch, their phones ringing on the coffee table.

"Jordan? Jordan! Baby, wake up," she urged groggily as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"What happened?!" he groaned as he jerked awake.

"We fell asleep," she said as she reached for her phone and he reached for his as they sat up.

"Dad, what's wrong?" she asked as she answered the phone and Jordan answered his where a worried Valarie was asking where he was despite it being four in the morning. And as they both hung up, Angie furrowed her brows as she brushed her hair from her face.

"What happened last night? We were waiting in your car and I can't remember anything after that. How did we get here?" she wondered, completely confused.

"I don't know. I can't remember anything either. We got into the car, I put my hand on your leg to stop it bouncing and then nothing."

"Well whatever happened to us, we missed a lot," she said with wide eyes as she read the frantic and worried texts from her brother. Not only had Liam and Hayden been taken and their plan had failed, but Stiles and Theo had been attacked and whoever was taking the bodies had taken Josh.

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