Chapter 72

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Angie didn't know how everything got so much worse in such a short amount of time. While she was at home with her dad who invited them to dinner as she played nurse to Jordan, Liam, Mason and Corey had found a body that seemed to do the impossible. Not only did it have no DNA, but it managed to scare the living daylights out of Chris who was the least fearful person in town. Chris also helped Scott and Malia discover that the bullet that killed the hellhound was one made of silver. And whoever the hunter was, they were going after Brett. And while Scott, Malia, Lori and Liam delved into the tunnels to find him, Corey was at the high school being exposed as a supernatural creature as a boy named Nolan stabbed a pen into his hand and watched as it healed. Nolan who was number 68 and the number Lydia got from her premonition. But he wasn't the only one. Again, as if things could get any worse, Scott figured out that there were now two hunters, and one of them was Gerard. Gerard who had set a trap that ended with Brett and Lori dead and Liam shifted in front of dozens of people in the middle of a well-lit intersection.

Now people were scared. And there wasn't much they could do to combat fear.

Well, Scott's solution was to pretend like nothing happened as he tried to force Liam to go to school. And while his reasoning that they were trying to save lives was sound, his execution of ignoring everyone wasn't the best. Especially for Liam where high school had become even more of a hellish prison for him with the weird stares and harsh whispers from everyone except Corey and Mason.

Angie had never really been to war before. Actually, that was a lie. Her entire life was a war. Deucalion and the alpha pack. The nogitsune. The deadpool and the benefactor. The Beast. The Ghost Riders. But something she realised, something she'd always known, was that her longest war, the war that still wasn't over and the war that was the reason for all her hardships, was her war with Gerard. And Chris was absolutely insane to try and hold a peace summit with him seeing as the last one resulted in an alpha going blind, over a dozen deaths and Gerard being the only one to walk out alive. But in the eyes of that madman, Scott Mccall and his pack had killed half his family, turned his daughter into a creature he deemed a monster and turned his only son against him. And because of that, he wanted Scott to run where he would never be found. Him and his pack.

But Angie wasn't technically in his pack, so she still had to go to work.

"What the hell- whoa!" Angie exclaimed as she followed her dad out of his office to where he snatched Jordan's gun from his hand as the deputy aimed it into an empty office. She'd been able to smell his fear from across the building, the scent getting stronger as she approached him but before she could chew him out about what the hell happened, he crashed into her in a hug. His body was trembling in her arms and that worried her even more because she'd never seen him in such a state. "Baby, what happened?" she asked softly as she stroked his back.

"I saw- I saw," he stuttered, his eyes squeezed tight as he was unable to get the words out.

"Jordan, breathe," she said soothingly. "Calm down. There's nothing there," she assured him as the tension from his muscles seemed to ease a bit as he pulled away and Angie cupped his face with her left hand.

"Tell us," Noah interrupted once he deemed Parrish calm enough. "Tell us everything you saw."

And the description of the faceless DNA-less body that had been discovered at the high school was the reason why they were now currently following Melissa into the morgue as they explained to her Jordan's visions and why they should definitely be taken seriously seeing as he is the one that normally didn't have visions.

"I'll be the first one to admit that some pretty strange things have been happening. But the body couldn't have moved," the nurse insisted.

"Why not?" Jordan asked and she just gave him a dumbfounded look.

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