Chapter 38

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Angie walked through the door of her house only to be met with her brother and Scott standing on the other side. "What's going on?" she asked nervously as she closed the door behind us, having a pretty good idea that this would take longer than just getting some more clothes for her dad should take.

Her brother approached her as he stood in front of her.

"Angel, I need you to hear him out."


"Please," he interrupted. "For me. You just have to listen to him."

"And are you going to be joining us?" she asked with a raised brow.

"No," he said sheepishly. "I will be upstairs, preparing my arguments to try and persuade you into letting us take your car to New Mexico to get Kira, because my Jeep is still in the shop."

"Wise decision," she nodded sarcastically before he scampered up the stairs and Angie set her bag and keys down. "Since Mischief asked, I'll be nice and give you two minutes. I suggest you use them wisely."

Scott took a second to breathe as he rubbed his hands together. "Angie, I know that there's nothing more I can really do to change your mind other than tell you that I'm sorry, but I'm still going to try," Scott said earnestly. "You're an alpha like me. And your family is like your pack. You're protective over them and I'm sorry I hurt them. You were right. Stiles has been there for me since literally day 1. There's never been a day that he wasn't there. And I've been a crap friend for believing Theo over him but all I can do is learn from my mistake. All I can do is promise that it will never happen again."

Despite all his powers, Scott felt incredibly powerless under her gaze as she looked him up and down.

"It better not happen again," she said simply.

"It won't," he promised and Angie sighed.

"Ok. If Stiles was able to forgive you, I suppose I can as well. But it is going to take a minute before I trust you again Scotty. You didn't hear the way he sounded when he called me to come pick him up that night at the animal clinic. You weren't the shoulder he cried on when his best friend wouldn't even hear his side of the story. I've never seen him that broken, not even when the Nogitsune twisted everything. I will be damned before I let anything hurt my baby brother."

Scott nodded, well aware of how rapidly his heart was beating. "I know. I know what I did. I know I made mistakes. But I'm trying to fix it. I'm going to get my pack back and then we're going to stop whatever it is the Dread Doctors created. And no one else is going to die. No one else is going to get hurt. Especially not Stiles."

"Then we're in agreement," she stated. "And I supposed I don't have to warn you about what I will do to you if you hurt my Mischief again."

"No. No, you don't. And I am sorry. More than you'll ever know," he repeated, and Angie only pulled him in for a hug and he felt his wound heal a little more.

"I know. And it's a start to getting things back to what they were."

"They definitely won't be the same as before, but it'll be similar," he agreed as they pulled away.

"Well, then I have a present for you guys that will hopefully put you a step in the right direction. Mischief! Get down here!" she called, and he came sprinting down the stairs, stumbling over the last one as Scott caught him.

"Are you good? Is he good? You made up? Are we ok now? What's the surprise?" he rambled.

"I hope you weren't eavesdropping again, Mischief. I might feel inclined to not show you the surprise,' she said with a teasing smirk.

"I wasn't! I wouldn't. I didn't. I don't even know what eavesdropping is," he insisted, and Angie only rolled her eyes with a smile as she headed over to the table to pick up her keys.

"Wait here. And only come outside when I say so. Or else," she warned as she jerked her eyebrows at them in warning.

"Your sister is terrifying, man," Scott exhaled in relief as she disappeared behind the door.

"Tell me about it. I don't know how Parrish gets her to listen. He got her to agree to sleep and eat before she takes my dad's pain. And she's only allowed to do it once a day," Stiles explained and Scott's eyes widened.

"That's got to be a supernatural talent, surely," he insisted.

"I've come up with no other explanation for it," Stiles replied as he heard the familiar rumbling of a car backing out of the garage, but he couldn't place it.

"She said we can come out," Scott told his friend as he heard Angie's voice and the two of them walked outside the door where Stiles' jaw fell.

"How? They said it wouldn't be done for weeks," he marvelled as his sister leaned against the side of his functioning Jeep.

"Well, I had some help from a.... an old friend," she explained vaguely. "Jeep's not the only surprise. Pop the hood." The boy's brows furrowed as they complied, lifting the hood up to reveal an engine without a single piece of duct tape on it. "Most of it's still the original parts but some of it I had to completely replace. The alternator, spark plugs amongst other things," Angie explained casually before her brother tackled her into a hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You are the best sister ever!" he exclaimed as she laughed.

"And don't you forget it, little brother. Though, I may have forgotten to fix the gas gauge," she admitted.

"Are you kidding? This car has had a million things wrong with it since mom bought it! I can fix the gauge later. Thank you! Thank you!" he blurted as he pulled away before hugging her again.

"Ok. Ok," she relented as she let go even though she didn't want to. "Now go finish packing. You've got a long drive tomorrow," she advised, and Stiles was already tripping over his feet as he ran inside. "You," she called as she looked at Scott. "Get some rest. You're still injured. You're going to need it."

"As you command, Angie," he said with a small smile before following Stiles inside with hope blooming in his chest.

Maybe everything would be ok.

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