Chapter 98

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"NO! No!" Lydia cried at the arrival of the man she still loved joining the fight, letting the grenade launcher drop to his side as he tossed Chris a new gun full of silver bullets - since his had been cut in half - before Stiles began shooting the Oni himself, and he didn't miss a single shot.

"Scream all you want, Lydia," Harris said as he yanked her back out of the tunnel and towards Jackson.


"Your friends will not survive the night and Stiles will die." And the gun was pressed to her temple. "I just can't decide if I should kill you now or wait until his throat is ripped out and your dream really does come true?"

"How about we rip your throat out?" came a new voice and a set of steel blue eyes and one of yellow lit up the dark pathway under the stands. The blue-eyed wolf had spoken first, a voice that brought Jackson comfort as his wound still bled.

"You were a shit chemistry teacher anyway," came the yellow-eyed wolf and Harris aimed the gun at them as they growled.

Harris fired first as the wolves charged and came into the light. Where Ethan and Isaac had come from, they didn't know, they were just grateful that they did. And while Ethan went for Jackson, pulling the bullet out of his stomach before taking some of his pain, Isaac dodged bullets as he reached Harris in a blink of an eye. His fist crushed the barrel of the gun before he dislocated the wrist that held Lydia and pulled the girl behind him as he advanced on the former chemistry teacher.

"Jennifer Blake almost killed me once...I'm not afraid to die," Harris grunted as he cradled his wrist and Isaac simply furrowed his brows as he kept advancing and Harris kept backing up.

"Who said anything about killing you?" he asked before punching Harris in the face, knocking him out in a single blow. "Angie has something better in mind for you." And as Isaac shifted back, he scowled even more at Harris' unconscious body. "You chipped my nail, asshat."

There was a small spot of black polish that was missing from the nail of his middle finger, but that was the worst of his injuries as he turned back to the boys and Lydia.

"You lied to me. You are in so much trouble," Ethan scolded Jackson as he helped him up.

"Can I heal first and then you can be mad at me?"

"No. No. It is going to be a long time until I'm not mad at you, so I suggest you start sucking up now."

"I missed you too," Jackson said, smirking before Ethan rolled his eyes and leaned down to kiss him. "How'd you know we were here? How'd you know to come?'

"Angie," Isaac and Ethan said in unison.

"She sent out an SOS message about a day ago," Isaac began.

"But Stiles is the one who got all of us here. He arranged for private jets to get us here as fast as possible. Being FBI paid off, I guess," Ethan finished.

"Your blood got us here though, so good on you for getting shot," Isaac mocked with a fake smile and a thumbs up as Jackson just glared at him.

"Stiles!" Lydia shouted before she went running for the tunnel and the field, hoping that they weren't too late.

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