Chapter 104

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"Hey, baby girl, can we talk to you for a minute?" Jordan asked as he and his wife sat next to their daughter on the couch.

"Sure. What's up?" she replied as she put down her phone from where she was texting Eli even though she'd just seen him for breakfast/dinner earlier.

"So, your father and I have been talking about doing something and we realised that this was a decision that included you as well," Angie began and her daughter sat up straighter.

"Ok," Chloe said. "What is it?"

"We wanted to get your thoughts on expanding this little family of ours," Jordan said as he put an arm around Angie.

"You mean like you want to have another baby?" Chloe questioned as she furrowed her brows.

"Not exactly," Jordan said.

"Your Uncle Stiles worked on an FBI case a couple of years ago. There was a shooting in D.C. and a cop was killed. The cop had a son that was put into the foster system. Your uncle kept in contact with him and he's in a pretty rough situation, so, we were actually thinking about adopting him," her mother explained. "He's only a couple years younger than you."

"Ok, but are you sure it's a good idea to bring a human into a house full of supernatural creatures?" Chloe questioned.

"He's actually a werewolf. It's the reason why Stiles kept an eye on him," Jordan said. "And according to him, Luke has been struggling with control after losing his father. We wanna help him. We wanna give him a home and a family and we want to know how you feel about that."

"And you have to know that we could never love you any less or pick favourites or -"

"Mom," Chloe said as she took her mother's hand, interrupting her. "It's ok. I know you love me and I know that's never going to change. And I kind of like the idea of having a little brother. Like you and Uncle Stiles," she smiled and Jordan and Angie grew hopeful.

"Are you sure? This is a big decision," Jordan said.

"And we won't go through with it if you're not ok with it in any way, shape or form," Angie promised her.

"Mom, dad, I am lucky enough to have a family that never lets me go a day without letting me know how loved I am. Yeah adding a new member to our family is gonna be scary but if it means that a kid who has nothing gets to be as loved as I am, then yeah, I'm all for it," Chloe assured them.

"You, my gorgeous daughter, are going to be a really good alpha one day," Angie praised as she kissed Chloe's cheek.

"And we are only comfortable doing this because we already have one really amazing kid," Jordan added.

"Wow, I feel so special," Chloe grinned as her parents rolled their eyes.

"Your uncle is heading back to D.C in couple days. We were thinking we go with him to meet Luke. Stiles wanted me to meet him first before he meets the rest of us. Get him comfortable with one of us first."

"Guess we're going to D.C," Chloe grinned. In truth, she was happy about getting a new brother. Their family had always seemed as if they were missing someone if she was being honest. And soon their family would finally have their missing piece.

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