Chapter 74

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"What the hell are you idiots doing?" Angie exclaimed as she walked into the reception area, flanked by her fiance and father as they faced the group of supernatural creatures that had been about to go outside and take the hunters down by force to protect Jiang and his wife Tierney. But in all honesty, they would've created more problems than they solved. "You want to give those people out there even more of a reason to hunt us?" she scolded as her father put a hand on her shoulder.

"No one's going anywhere."

"I can get through them," Lydia insisted.

"We're not gonna fire the first shot. Now get back from the door, all of you. Parrish, get these two back in their cell," he instructed as the young deputy began to move and Scott approached the Stilinskis.

"What happened?" he asked.

"She gave us till midnight," her father revealed.

"With a dead or alive order," Angie added and Scott only grew more worried before her father began giving out orders to barricade the doors. And as they flipped over desks and piled up cabinets, it began to feel like a war. And this bunker they were hiding in was becoming smaller by the minute. She couldn't help but wonder if Jordan was having flashbacks to Afghanistan as they stood with her father and talked in hushed voices.

"We're gonna need help eventually," Jordan pointed out.

"Any help we call is gonna risk exposing Angie, Scott and the others," Noah replied.

"That's if you could call for help with the signal jammers they're using right now. And if they don't already know about Scott and me and Jordan and everyone through Gerard," Angie blurted and both men gave her a look that told her she wasn't helping, but they understood her nerves. "Sorry,' she muttered as she dropped her hand from her lips, preventing her from biting her nails anymore.

"But Evie's right. If they see actual werewolves, they're not going to be able to tell good guys from the bad," Jordan agreed.

"If Quinn's right about one of our deputies, I'm not sure we're going to be able to tell either," her father pointed out, the brunette girl from earlier being Quinn who was shot in the head by a deputy. They just didn't know which one.

And then, because things could only get worse, Angie flinched as Jordan caught her and the lights went out. "Of course," she sighed sarcastically as her father turned to a deputy who'd been walking towards one of the windows that still had blinding white light shining through.

"Morrow. Morrow!" he called as the woman turned. "Get away from the window."

"How easy is it to cut the power off at the Sheriff's station?" Malia wondered.

"Too easy," came a voice as another deputy, Vargas, threw a teenage boy to the floor as she walked into the room, a pair of bolt cutters in her hands.

"Throw him out!" Liam rasped as he saw the face of Nolan, the teenager who helped beat him to a pulp trying to expose him and who exposed Corey by stabbing a pen into his hand.

"No, no! You can't! please don't. She'll know I screwed up," he pleaded.

"He's with them," Liam announced.

"Liam," Scott reprimanded.

"Sheriff?" Jordan prompted.

"He's a liar and he's sick in the head," Liam continued.

"And now he's under arrest. Lock him up," Noah ordered as Parrish moved forward but Angie didn't like the look of his kid as Jordan led him away and Theo was the one to push Liam in the opposite way towards the bathrooms.

"I don't trust him," Angie blurted to no one.

"Well he's in a cell now, he can't cause any harm," Lydia pointed out, but Angie still didn't like it.

"Since when do you defend Theo?" Scott asked and she turned to him.

"I believe that's between me and Theo. And you can have your own opinions of him, that's fine, but I'd encourage you to give him the benefit of the doubt. He actually deserves it this time," she said before the followed the smell of rage towards the bathroom Theo had pushed Liam into. And Liam pushed past her as she walked into the bathroom to find Theo on the floor holding his nose.

"Was it him that instigated it or you?" she asked as she crouched down next to him.

"Both, but mostly him," he groaned as she swatted away his hands.

"Let me," she said as he showed her his bloodied and broken nose. He groaned again as she grabbed his nose firmly and jerked it back into place. She then reached up to grab some paper towels and she handed them to him.

"Thanks," he muttered as he cleaned up the blood on his face.

"Olive branch, remember?" she smirked before she offered him a hand and helped haul him to his feet.

"Does Scott really think he can get through this without killing people?" Theo asked as he threw out the paper towels.

"Apparently so. My brother also found his unwavering morality annoying," she answered. "Sometimes killing people is unavoidable and right now in the middle of a war against hunters who won't hesitate to kill us, it's inevitable."

"Is that why we're here?" Theo questioned and she nodded.

"Even though I don't kill anymore, I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty if anyone I care about is threatened. And with the right motivation, I'm sure you're not afraid to get your hands a little bloody either."

He shrugged. "They're already covered, what's a little more blood?"

"Exactly why Scott will trust you at the end of the day. Once he and Liam get over this naivety that they can get out of this without killing anyone. This is a war. There are always casualties in a war and we've already had several."

"And we can't just tell him?"

"We tell him and he gets angry and pushes us away, wasting more time and more allies. He'll think there'll be another way out but there isn't because, at the very least, we have to kill Gerard."

Theo sighed. "This is going to be a long war, isn't it?"

Angie's expression was grim. "Oh absolutely. It's barely even begun." 

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