Chapter 66

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Angie didn't care how embarrassed her brother was, like hell she wasn't picking him up from school after the last time she dropped him off he disappeared. He was lucky she didn't sic a protective detail on him all day.

They also had to have a rather long conversation about their mother - well, the version of her that their father unknowingly conjured.

She was also, so very, very proud of him. He'd gotten into George Washington University and into the pre-FBI internship program. The recommendation letters that both Rafael McCall and Braeden had written for him had also been big helps. It wasn't every day they had interns with referral letters from an active FBI agent and a former US Marshall.

Stiles had also made the decision that he wasn't going to take the Jeep with him to D.C. He'd originally given it to his sister like it was supposed to have been, but Angie ceded it to Scott seeing as she already had a car and Jordan drove her to and from work most of the time. Though, she did take the angel and devil charm off the key ring and press it into her brother's hands because like hell he was going to leave it behind.

She and Lydia were also going to escort him to his dorm. She was just the chauffeur, but Stiles' new girlfriend, wanted to help him unpack and settle in and perhaps stay for a few days.

And Angie wouldn't stop teasing him about it.

"Please stop," he begged as they managed to squash the boot of Angie's car closed, all of Stiles' belongings compacted inside and in the backseat.

"Oh, do you want to pick up some condoms on the way? I don't plan on being an aunt until you at least graduate from the academy."

"Angie, I swear-"

"Ooo! What about -"

"I will pay you to stop talking," he interrupted as he covered her mouth and they climbed into the front seats. His sister just scoffed.

"You couldn't meet my price," she retorted as she started the car and pulled onto the road, already having said goodbye to their father this morning with promises to call every few hours. "Hey, do you wanna get some food now or at like halfway till we're halfway?"

"Is both an option? Neither of us had breakfast and if we're going to drive all the way to Washington, you're going to need some - what the hell is that?" he asked as he stared at the steering wheel.

"What's what?" she returned.


How did she not see it before?

How did she not feel it before?

It wasn't small either.

Angie slammed on the brakes as she held up her left hand. "What the hell?"

"When did Parrish do that?!" Stiles demanded, his sister just staring at her hand, specifically one finger. One finger that she never told anyone about the silent message it meant between her and her boyfriend - well, maybe not boyfriend anymore.

"I don't know," she gasped. "But you'll be damn sure I'm about to find out," she said as she pulled over to the side of the road and pulled out her phone. "Do you have something you want to explain to me?" she asked once Jordan answered her facetime, not even bothering to say hello.

"Ok, is this about the clothes in the kitchen? Because if we're getting technical, they may be mine, but you put them after you ripped them off me when -"

"I mean this," she interrupted - her brother so thankful she cut him off from what he was about to say- as she held up her hand to the camera and he just laughed at the sight of the engagement ring that was now sitting on her finger with a rather large rectangular shaped diamond.

"So, I take it you like it? I'm rather surprised you didn't wake up when I put it on you this morning. You know, your dad actually helped pick it out," he said casually. "And by that I mean he started crying when I chose that one because it looked so much like the one he got for your mother when he proposed."

"Baby, I think you're missing the point of a proposal. You propose the idea of us getting married and I accept and then you put the ring on my finger. You skipped straight to the last step."

He smirked through the camera. "Like you were going to say no."

"You could've at least asked," she returned.

"Formalities, babe. We're already connected to each other, that ring was just the icing on the cake."

"Oh my god, I don't know whether to kiss you or kill you when I get back," she remarked before her phone was snatched from her hand.

"Yeah, my vote is to kill, seeing as you didn't even ask me for permission! That's my sister you -"

"Stiles, I asked you and your father six months ago when I bought the ring - or when it was bought for me. And you both said yes," Jordan spoke up and Stiles was effectively silenced as he recalled the memory from before he was taken by the ghost riders.

"Oh. Yeah. You did - but you tricked me!" he exclaimed, and Angie wanted to throttle her brother as she took back her phone.

"You asked both of them, but you couldn't ask me?"

He sighed, but there was still a playful smile on his gorgeous yet ridiculously punchable face. "If it really means so much to you, I'll ask you when you get back. Until then, drive safe."

"Jordan!" Angie called before he hung up.


"The ring is perfect," she smiled warmly, and he returned it.

"I'm glad. I love you, Evie."

"I love you too."

And she blew a kiss to him before the screen turned black and she set her phone down before looking at her hand again.

"Are you really angry that he didn't ask?" Stiles asked as he saw the dreamy look on his sister's face.

"Not one bit," she said with a breathless smile, almost as if she didn't believe what she was seeing, but in a good way. "It's actually perfect."

"Then can we celebrate your engagement by getting some food because I'm starving?"

Angie dropped her hand as she turned to her brother with an amused smile before ruffling his hair. "Yeah. Yeah, we can." And off the two siblings drove as the sun sparkled down on her engagement ring. 

Mrs Evangeline Parrish didn't sound too bad.

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