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Name: Tron W.D.

Age: 17

personality: chill, nerdy, serious(in certain situations), lazy,

Likes: puns, naps, music, videogames, comics, helping people, bunnies, his friends/teammates, goofing around, drawing, making weapons/armor

Dislikes: bullies, being woken up from his nap, people thinking their better than everyone, perverts, being lonely, losing those he loves, people asking why his eyes are "weird"

Weapons: Axe(transforms into any weapon he wants), rocket missiles(launched out of the back of his jacket), arm blade/canon, grappling hooks, tentacles

Height: 5'7

Name: Nightmare W

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Name: Nightmare W.D.

Age: 17???

Personality: chill, serious(in certain situations), witty,

Likes: his friends/teammates, goofing around, talking back to people who think they're above everyone else, coffee, videogames, scaring people, music

Dislikes: spoiled brats, loud people, KILLER leaving dead animals around, people asking if he's wearing a mask, bullies, being reminded of his past, messing up on protecting people

Weapons: scythe, claws, mace, flames/shadow, spikes(on his elbows and shoes)

Height: 5'7???

Height: 5'7???

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Age: ???? (he lost count)

Personality: laidback, hungry(I know it's not a personality but that's how he acts most of the time) monstrous(sometimes), bloodthirsty(in certain occasions), lazy, reckless

Likes: eating anything(his favorite is road kill), proving other animals/monsters that he's the apex predator, looking at memes, making food and see which ones will burn first, goofing around

Dislikes: assholes, people calling him a freak(or in this case a grimm in remnant), playing ddlc(especially seeing monika), accidently stepping on his tail, people hurting his friends, having stuff stuck in his teeth

Weapons: (he's a shape-shifter, so basically anything that he shapes into is a weapon), tentacles, claws, teeth(for eating people, and other things), spikes, acid tongue

Height: 7'1 (he changes his height time from time but this is his default height)

Height: 7'1 (he changes his height time from time but this is his default height)

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Name: Bot

Personality: sarcastic, serious, collective, relaxed

Likes: learning new things, goofing around, finding new elements for his chemicals, helping people, caring for his plants,

Dislikes: people underestimating him, being called short, KILLER causing a fire in his lab, getting his lab coat dirty, people messing with his things, greedy people

Weapons: chemicals, plasma canons/gravity gun, shotgun/machine gun,

Height: 4'10

Info: The Defenders are interdimensional protectors that save worlds/dimensions/universes from any threat, and each Defender has a specific weapon that can either erase or bring back something or someone's entire existence

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Info: The Defenders are interdimensional protectors that save worlds/dimensions/universes from any threat, and each Defender has a specific weapon that can either erase or bring back something or someone's entire existence. Each Defender has different abilities and can unlock them later on. One ability they all have is opening portals to dimensions, but it can be limited if they go to another Great Beings' dimensions. They also contain 3 souls but one of them has 4, and with each soul they have other forms to be stronger.

"Did you really think that people could change? NO, they say they do but in reality all of them are nothing but DIRTY LITTLE LIARS!!! Do you think they can change, Tron? Hehehehe hahahahahahahaha!!!!"

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