New volume coming

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Hey guys, this is Tron19Defender. I just wanted to thank everyone who is reading my story so far. I started writing this due to me wanting to share the story I intend to tell. I hope all of you who are reading will enjoy what I have in store. Once again, I thank everyone who is reading my story. I hope you all will enjoy the future volumes that I have in store. Until then, this is Tron19Defender signing off.

*Now for the new volume*

Here's the cover for the new volume:

Here's the cover for the new volume:

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Psychopath: No matter what you do, it'll be too late to stop me. You're obsolete, it's now my turn to save this world. I AM THIS WORLD'S SAVIOR, AND YOU CAN'T STOP IT. I AM THE DEFENDER THAT YOU COULDN'T BE. Now it's time for me to show you what I can do.

The Defenders in Remnant (OC x Rwby)Where stories live. Discover now