Chapter 24: The game has just begun

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*3rd P.O.V.*

It's been a month since The Defenders have encountered the INNER DEMONS. They've been busy looking for more information about their plans. Sadly, they haven't gotten any luck from it.

What they're doing right now, they are going to class. It was the last week for half of the semester, and every student were trying to get stuff done. Some students were done with every assignment and others weren't, which has them go into full panic mode.

The Defenders didn't need to worry, as they were done with every. Right now, all of them are in their classes. Tron and Bot are in Professor Oobleck's class. KILLER and Rachel are in Professor Peaches class. Meanwhile, Nightmare was in Professor Ports' class.

All of them were either bored, interested, or ignoring the lessons. Each class were having make up days, so that everyone could be to pass. Throughout the classes, each of the team members were occupying themselves.

Tron and Bot were having conversations about either Transformers or Back to the Future. KILLER and Rachel were talking about their old adventures. Nightmare was just terrorizing his classmates or Professor Port.

The bell finally rang, and everyone went to their final class. The Defenders went to Professor Goodwitch's class. As everyone entered the classroom, each student was called to fight one another. This would be repetitive for those who've already won each fight.

As the last match was done, Goodwitch asks on who would participate. KILLER raised his hand. Goodwitch asks for someone to fight him. No one raised their hand. Goodwitch was about call for another student, but that was until Tron raised his hand.

Tron: If no one wants to fight him, then I'll do it.

Goodwitch: Mr. W.D., no one from the same team can fight against each other.

Tron: Why not?

Goodwitch: It's due to each member knowing the others' attack, skills, and weakness. I can't let you fight against KILLER.

KILLER: Just let him do it. Besides, it has been awhile since we fought.

Goodwitch: *sigh* If you insist. You two go to the arena.

The two teammates went to the arena. Both of them in opposite sides. KILLER cracks his neck, and prepares for the match to start. Tron puts his helmet on. He then brings out his axe.

Goodwitch: On my count. 1...2...3...BEGIN!

Both of them rushed towards the other. The whole academy shook from this. KILLER slashes at Tron, but he blocks with his shield. Tron pushes KILLER's hand away, kicks him in the stomach. KILLER is pushed a few inches away from Tron. Both of them recomposed themselves.

KILLER: Oh, I've missed this.

Tron: Dude, we do this every month.

KILLER: I know, but it's refreshing to fight someone who can go toe to toe with me.

Tron: Whatever. Let's just continue.

KILLER: Bring it on.

Tron teleported behind KILLER, and readies to slash him in the back. KILLER blocks the attack with his hand, which he turned into an axe. They kept on fighting each other, none of them let the other rest.

Each attack shook the academy. Everyone had to hold onto something, when this happened. Meanwhile, the rest of The Defenders were used to it. They hardly felt the it.

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