Chapter 3: An interesting encounter pt. 1

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Disclaimer: I'm going to be skipping the entire initiation due to people knowing what happens in it

*3rd P.O.V.*

We see Ruby and her team going to Port's class, and on the way Ruby couldn't help but think about the encounter she had during the robbery with the team she saw. She remembered the person who called himself "The Protector" and his team taking down the bullhead. She also remembered the scolding she had from Yang. Right now everyone was at Professor Ports classroom "learning" and by that they were "listening" his stories about his younger years. Ruby and her team were doing anything but listening except for Weiss who was taking notes.  

Meanwhile, Ruby was just thinking about the event in her head over and over again. Her team noticed this and asked her if something was wrong. She told them that nothing was wrong and that she was trying to occupy her mind, due to Ports' stories are always boring. They were reluctant at first but accepted the answer except for Blake, which she can tell if someone was hiding something due to her hiding something. 

After class was done they went to lunch and during lunch, Ruby wanted to go to vale after class is done so she can find them. While that was happening, we see Tron and his walking through city looking for the entities that were transported to this world. KILLER looked at the road and found a dead animal and went to the road to grab the roadkill. 

KILLER: finally some food to eat.

Tron: KILLER put that down, there are people looking at you!!

KILLER didn't noticed that a bunch of people were looking at him picking up a dead animal. Frankly he didn't care and continued on to eat it. Tron, Nightmare, and Bot facepalmed as their 'brother' just ate something that would have people puking.

Bot: anyways let's continue forth with who we are looking for.

Tron: but first I need to clean bunbun, she's a little dirty. Hey Bot what currency does this world take?

Bot: the currency in this world is called Lien. I can make some for us to use.

Nightmare: you can do that?

Bot: yeah I can make any currency from any area I scan.

Tron: pretty convenient if you ask me.

Bot: do you want the money to clean her or not?

Tron: yes, but I need to find a pet store first.

*Timeskip brought to by chibi yang wanting to fight KILLER to see who is the strongest*

Tron and the others were just walking around the town until they passed by a warehouse. They heard noises coming from inside but decided to ignore it. That was until a faunus came out and noticed them and started to attacked them. The 4 of them dodged the faunus' attack and KILLER went head first and tackled said person to the ground.

Bot told KILLER to let go and KILLER agreed, after that happened Bot threw one of his chemicals to freeze the faunus. There was a second of them waiting to see if any other faunus were going to check outside, but there wasn't anyone coming so they had a sigh of relief. They soon left to try and THEM before chaos is broken loose.

*Timeskip to the next day*

*Ruby's P.O.V.*

Me and my team were in our dorm doing nothing, but that was until  Yang  came into the room with her scroll out to show us something.

Yang: *excited* guys, guys, guys!!! Look what's on the news! *shows something on her scroll*

News reporter: Breaking news, the mysterious figures that stopped Roman from a robbery have been spotted throughout Vale. Are these 4 beings friendly or are they enemies, and waiting to attack us? Back to you John.

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