Chapter 22: An unexpected problem

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*Nightmare's P.O.V.*

Tron: While I'm gone, I need you guys to take care of any crime that occurs.

Nightmare/KILLER/Bot: Sure/gotcha/alright.

Tron: I'll see you guys later.

Once Tron finally left, the 3 of us were just laying on the couch. None of us wanted to do anything, so that's what we did. We did absolutely nothing for the next hour.

*Small timeskip*

While we were do nothing, our alarm started going wild. I got up and checked on it. It looks like the INNER DEMONS are in Vale, and that ain't good. I was going to call Tron, but thought that I should leave him alone. I turned around to tell Bot and KILLER what is going on.

Nightmare: We got a problem.

Bot: What is it, Nightmare?

Nightmare: Those bastards are back. Let's give them a visit. *Cracks knuckles*

KILLER: Shouldn't we let Tron know about this?

Nightmare: Let's leave him alone. He's been restless lately, and will do anything to find them. Besides, we can take care of them by ourselves.

KILLER: Alright then, let's get to work.

Bot: I have a bad feeling about this, but I'm just going to ignore it.

Nightmare: Let's get going.

We soon left the academy, and made our way to the INNER DEMONS. We arrived at Vale, but noticed that something was off. KILLER sniffed around, and soon got their scent. We followed him afterwards.

We arrived at their location, but KILLER lead us to a park. I was confused by this, so I asked KILLER if this was the right place. He said that they're here. I didn't see anybody there, so I told Bot to scan around.

Bot scanned around, and detected a bunch of heat signatures. I couldn't sense anyone there, so I had to take Bot's word.

Bot: I can detect many heat signatures around the area.

Nightmare: I don't see anyone here.

Bot: I think that's due to a cloaking device that they're using. I'll have to tap into it, and deactivate it for us.

KILLER: Until then, we should come up with a plan.

Nightmare: What do have so far?

Bot: How should we know, you're the boss for now.

That caught me off guard. I know Tron trusts, but I didn't think he would trust me being leader while he's gone. Whatever, I need to come up with a plan, and fast.

It took me awhile to come up with, but I think it'll work. Both me and KILLER were waiting for Both to finish tampering the cloaking device. While waiting, I could see that KILLER was looking at his cast. I know that his right hand is damaged, but that doesn't stop him from fighting.

Nightmare: You alright, KILLER?

KILLER: Sort of. I don't know what these bastards are doing. But what u do know is that we have to stop them, no matter what. Anyways, how's the coming along?

Nightmare: I actually have the plan ready, but I need Bot to hear it.

KILLER: Hey Bot! Can you stop for a moment?

Bot: In a minute. I'm almost done deactivating the device. There we go! Alright then, what do you need?

KILLER: Nightmare has a plan for us.

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