Chapter 5: Recruiting The Defenders

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*Ruby's P.O.V.*

It's been a few days since the encounter we had with The Defenders, and during those days Ms. Goodwitch has told Professor Ozpin about everything that had happened in Forever Fall. Now he was curious about them and wanted my team to go find them and bring them to Beacon. We were at Vale going to a cafe to get something to eat and also to discuss on how we're going find  them.

Ruby: alright everyone, what is our plan to find The Defenders?

Yang: we could have Weiss as bait and go on from there.

Weiss: why me?!?

Yang: *shrugs* don't know, I just thought of it.

As this was happening, I looked out to the window and see The Defenders walking out of a pet store. I see Tron holding his bunny and I also see KILLER eating dog food, which seemed very strange since no one eats dog food but what do I know. The rest of my team notices what I'm looking at and they immediately run out of the cafe to catch up to them. I did the same and we eventually caught up to them. Tron and his team were surprised to see us, but they calmed down and asked on what we were doing.

Tron: heya, what brings ya here dudes?

Ruby: oh nothing we just came here to get something to eat, so how have you all been doing?

Tron: we've doing alright. We just had to go to the pet store to get something for bunbun, and also KILLER got himself some "food" to snack on.

Blake: why is he eating dog food?

Bot: it's best to not question it.

Weiss: *sigh* let's cut to the chase, we are here to take you Beacon so our headmaster can talk with you 4. Now come with us so there won't be any issues to deal with.

Nightmare: what makes you think we want to come with you, Albino head? 

Weiss: STOP CALLING ME THAT!!! And also you to come with us that's an order.

Bot: yeah we don't take orders from anyone, so no we won't come with you.

Weiss: you're a robot that's suppose to follow orders from your superiors, so do as I say.


This is bad, this is REALLY bad! I tried to stop the situation from getting worse, but that didn't work until Tron threw his axe in between KILLER and Weiss. This stopped them from arguing and focused their attention to us.  

Tron: that's enough, jeez you two were fighting like a bunch of little kids. Weiss was it, don't you ever tell my 'brothers' what to do just because you're an heir of whatever company your family owns. And if you ever do it again, *chuckles* well you're gonna have a BAD TIME. Got it?

We all saw Tron's' eyes gone and there was nothing but a void in those sockets. Then he soon acted normal and questioned us on what we needed from them. We were all confused, scared, and confused again but we all composed ourselves and answered his question.

Blake: you see our headmaster was interested on what happened in Forever Fall, and wanted us to find you guys and bring you to Beacon so he can talk to you all for something.

Tron: That's a better explanation than what Weiss said to us.

Ruby: so will you come with us?

KILLER: we have to discuss this privately, so can you give us some privacy?

Ruby: sure we can do that, come on team.

*3rd P.O.V*

The Defenders huddled up and started to discuss on what their answer will be. It wasn't an easy discission for them due to the pros and cons they were listing, but they eventually decided on what they should tell them. After their little discussion they told team RWBY to come over. Tron's team had Tron to tell them their answer and they scooted away from him. Tron sighed and told them what their discission is.

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