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A/n: This is the bio for the INNER DEMONS and there are different categories for them. Such as: name, in order of being created (which one was created first and so forth), small information, height, skills/fighting style, abilities, weapons, and finally their appearance. That's all for now and until then, don't let them take control.

Name: Striker

Order of creation: 5

Info: Striker is one of the more interesting members of the INNER DEMONS. He is supposed to represent Tron's stealthy side, and also showing the more non-talkative side to where he just gets the job done. Striker is also Psychopath's right-hand man, and he is also great at catching people off guard. By that, he is mute and this gives him the advantage to pull off sneak attacks towards anyone. He may be mute, but he can communicate with the other INNER DEMONS by using static frequency to have them understand him. He takes no one's orders but Psychopath's, and he's always in charge when said leader is away. Don't mess with quiet ones, or else you'll see what they can really do.

Height: 5'5

Skills/fighting styles: Striker is an incredible marksman, and he capable of using any type of arsenal weaponry that he can get his hands on. He never misses a shot, only on purpose to make the target think they have the advantage, but soon learn that they're fate is sealed. He is also very stealthy to point where his enemies can't even see or hear him coming for them. His fighting style is similar to well trained soldiers, mercenaries, or assassins. He fights strategically and makes sures to catch anyone by surprise. If he is caught in situation where someone has the upper hands, he'll come to a result to fight dirty if needed.

Abilities: Striker has up to 2 abilities. The first ability is invisibility, he uses this to infiltrate the enemies base or find information that can help his fellow brothers. He also uses this to give him advantages to escape if necessary. His next ability has him creating anything, anything into his ammunition for his weapons. This helps him on the long run, and helps by using any material to affectively damage his opponent. So try to find a way to avoid his bullets.

Weapons: Basically any guns that he has on him, mounted sniper on his left shoulder, hand repulsor (on both hands), shoulder missiles, combat knife


Name: Amalgamation

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Name: Amalgamation

Order of creation: 4

Info: Amalgamation is what he is now called. Tron put an explosive inside Amalgamation, and shot him where the explosive was located. This fatally damage Amalgamation to point where he had a new body that was put together for his liking. He is combination of being ruthless like KILLER and intelligent like Tron. Amalgamation is a big brute that can tank any attack thrown to him. He may be big but he's also quick on his feet when comes to combat. Amalgamation is a hunting
specialist, and he shows it when finding someone escaping their clutches. No one is safe when he's hunting for them, because once he finds you, he'll make you scream for mercy.

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