Chapter 9: Back from the Dead

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*???'s P.O.V.*

Where am I? All I can remember is fighting Tron, and the next thing I know is that I started to fade out of existence. I look around and see the rest of my crew, but what I noticed is that we're not in our physical forms. We were all in our mangled forms, and once the rest of them woke up, we all had a hard time putting ourselves back together.

???2: Where are we?

???: I don't know, but what I do know is that we are alive again.

???3: I wonder how are we are alive.

We all sort of had our forms put together, but we were not completed yet. As we were walking throughout this unknown land, I felt both the negative feelings and the darkness surrounding us. This made me feel stronger than I was right now. I wonder what this place is and where we can find some people for more information about this place.

*Small timeskip*

We made it to a place that looked like a big castle with black pools all over the place. The rest of my fellow brothers were curious as well. We continued to walk through the area, and soon a bunch of black creatures were charging at us. I killed some of them, and by the looks of it, I started to regain some of my form again.

The rest knew what to do, so we killed whatever was getting in our way. Each kill brought us closer to what we looked like originally. We finally made it to the castle-looking place. Once we made it to the doors, I knocked on the door. I got no response, so I naturally knocked again and no on opened the door.

I started to get a little irritated, so after a few attempts later, I decided to just use my arm cannon (or what was left of it) and blasted the door. The 5 of us went inside, and I must say that it looked amazing in here than out there. We continued to walk throughout the halls, until we see a bunch of the creatures again. We attacked them until we see a door in front of us. I naturally just shot the door open, and I then saw a bunch of people there.

I then noticed a woman, who is pale white with black veins around them, I also noticed the people that were with them. The woman then cleared her throat and asked us something.

*Salem's P.OV.*

I was in my thrown room with everyone there, discussing the plan we have for Ozpin and his academy. As we were discussing, just then I saw my door being blasted into bits. I saw 5 figures walking out of it, I noticed Cinder getting ready to attack them. Before she could, I stopped her and asked the mysterious figure for whom they are.

Salem: Ahem, who are you 5 and what are you doing here?

???: *Chuckles* Oh how rude of me. My name is Psychopath, and these are my brothers. We are known as THE INNER DEMONS.

I noticed that the one with a big smile was looking at Tyrian, and so was he as well

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I noticed that the one with a big smile was looking at Tyrian, and so was he as well. I continued to asked who they are and their name is.

Salem: Who are the rest of you inner demons?

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