Chapter 17: Let's have a mad time

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*Psychopath's P.O.V.*

I was in my room, planning what I needed to do for today. I have tracked down the spring maiden, and I needed to bring some people along. I eventually got out of the room, and made my way to the throne room. I see Salem's goons and my brothers there. They all noticed me there, and stopped whatever they were doing.

Psychopath: Hello everyone, I'm going to be straight forward with you. I have tracked down and found a maiden. I just need 2 of you to come with me. Amalgamation and Cinder, I need you to come with me.

Amalgamation: Copy that.

Cinder: *scoffs* Why do I need to go with you?

Psychopath: Because I noticed that you have half of a maiden's power. Also, you seem more fitted for this "mission". Now, let's get a move on.

Cinder was about to argue with me, but I didn't want to listen to it and left. Amalgamation started to follow me, and the 2 of us were waiting for Cinder. Eventually, she finally exited the castle and followed us. I turned around and started to create a portal. Once I was done, the 3 of us entered it.

After entering the portal, we see that we are in a forest. I looked around and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I ordered Amalgamation to search around the area. He nodded and transforms into his jet mode. I then started to walk to the direction I needed to go. Cinder then followed suite.

As we were walking, Cinder started to ask me questions. I answered them with ease, clearly showing that I have nothing to hide. She tried to find ways to see if I was telling the truth or not. I was about to answer another question, until she asked one that made me stop my tracks but I continue to walk.

Cinder: What made you this way?

Psychopath: I have noticed that the world is corrupted by the plague it holds. Many people destroy their homes, due to them being greedy for power. Thus, made me want to save the innocents from the destruction they experience.

Psychopath: I have my ways to help everyone, even if it means to KILL. I always justify it, and continue forward. My brothers and I are this and other worlds saviors. Some people see us as heroes or villains. I don't care about that, and only care about the well-being of everyone.

Cinder: That's kind of cliche don't you think?

Psychopath: To each owns opinion. We're almost to our destination.

Cinder: So where are we going?

Psychopath: We are here to find the spring maiden. Simple as that.

Cinder: I know that part, but where are we exactly going. It seems like you don't know where we are.

Psychopath: You better watch that tone of yours. I hate it when someone is trying to be a smartass. Also, we have made it.

We finally arrived to a big gate, which was guarded by a group of people. They stopped us and asked of our business. Cinder was about to say something, but I stop her and told her that I am doing the talking.

Bandit#1: What are ya doing here? Are you here for a death wish or something?

Psychopath: Greetings, we are here to talk with your leader. That is all, so could you let us in.

Bandit#2: Sorry shit head, but our leader doesn't want to talk with your creepy ass. Now, run along.

I didn't like how they were talking, so I continued to persuade them to open the gate. It didn't work, due to them being assholes. I pushed forward, that was until they had their weapons pointed towards me. Cinder was readying to attack them, but I stop her before anything else could happen.

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