Chapter 18: Getting "some" answers

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*3rd P.O.V.*

The scene starts with Raven's camp being on fire. A few piles of bodies were seen being burned, tents falling apart, and the fire spreading to the forest. The camp was in shambles and no life could be seen. The fire was getting worse by the second. Before anything else could happen, a chemical exploded and had ice cover the fire. The person who threw the chemical was none other than Bot. Soon the rest of The Defenders appeared out of the forest.

All of them saw the fire spreading to different directions, and they were confused as to how this happened. Nonetheless, Tron ordered them to go stop the fire before something else happens. KILLER and Bot went to the left, Nightmare went to the right, and both Tron and Rachel went to the middle.

KILLER ran to see if there any animals trapped in the fire, while Bot mixed more chemicals together to put out the fire. After KILLER was done, he put his hands on the ground and turned it to water. This soon took out majority of the problem. Both of them see that are still some fire in the trees. KILLER turns his hands into water, and extends them towards the trees. Not scanned for anymore fire but doesn't see any on their side. They soon left to help the others.

Nightmare was in the middle of absorbing the fire inside of him. He couldn't absorb as much, due to there not being enough shadows for him to use. So he had to cut down a tree and use as much shadows as possible. This overwhelmed Nightmare, but he had to do what is necessary. He decided to jump high in air and fall down to the ground. As he hit the ground, he covered it in his shadow form. The fire was soon vanquished, Nightmare was glad about this and sat on the ground. He was about to close his eyes, but KILLER and Bot made their way to him. Nightmare got up and the 3 of them went towards Tron and Rachel.

Tron and Rachel were doing their best at keeping the fire at bay. Rachel shot 4 arrows to the fire, and a bunch of ice covered it. She kept at this until she sees the others coming to them. She tried to tell Tron about this, but Tron was busy putting out the fire in the center of the camp. After he was done, he sees the the other 3 helping.

*Small timeskip*

All of them were eventually done with putting out the front. Most of them were exhausted from this, well mostly Rachel. The 5 of them were sitting down on the ground, and each were trying to figure out how this happened. It didn't take long for all of them to get back up. As soon as they got up, KILLER started to smell something unusual. The rest of the team notices this, and went to question KILLER.

KILLER: *sniffs* I smell something strange. *sniffs* It smells like blood and burnt skin.

Rachel: Wait what? First, that is disgusting. Second, I think I'm gonna puke from that.

Bot: Where are you smelling it from?

KILLER: *sniffs* Over there, by those tents.

The Defenders went to search for this strange smell. As they made it to the tents, all they saw were small piles of bodies near them. Rachel left and puke somewhere that was not there. The rest had disgusted expressions, but KILLER went to inspect the bodies. He notices that some were slashed, burned, or shot.

KILLER decided to pick up one of the bodies. Bot facepalmed from this and told KILLER to them down. KILLER didn't listen and notices 3 jagged slash marks. He showed it to the rest of the team. Rachel saw this and went back to puking. Bot scanned the body, and soon finds out that is belongs to Amalgamation. No one was surprised by this, but they are are surprised that the INNER DEMONS were the cause of this.

Tron: Alright then, everyone search around the area. Let's see if we can find any survivors or any correlations to the INNER DEMONS. More importantly on finding survivors.

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