Chapter 16: A nice reunion?

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*Blake's P.OV.*

I was having a nice and peaceful dream, until I heard something. This caused me to wake up and see what it was. I turned around to find the source of the sound. That was until I saw Tron's phone making the noise. I turn off his alarm, and I went back to sleep. Then, Tron started to talk, but it looked like he was saying something in his sleep.

Tron: *sleep talking* This is the worst day of my life, and I've been to dash con.

I couldn't go back to sleep, so I sat up and kept hearing him talk in his sleep. It was surprisingly funny, to say the least. I was about to get up, until I felt something on my legs. I look down to see Bunbun on the bed. I picked her up and put her on Tron's face. Bunbun then tapped on his face for a good minute. Then Tron started to get up, and lets out a yawn.

He looks at me, and asks if I heard talk on his sleep.

Tron: You didn't hear anything, did you?

Blake: Sort of, I heard you saying something about being in dash con.

Tron: I gotta stop watching that Spider-Man fandub.

Blake: What?

Tron: It's nothing, come on let's get ready for the day.

Tron gets out of the bed, and enters the restroom. I just sit there and wait until he got out. A few minutes later, Tron gets out of the restroom and told me there is a spare toothbrush for me to use. I then go to the restroom, and started to brush my teeth.

I exited the restroom, and I see both Tron and Rachel in the kitchen. They noticed me walking towards them, and see that I'm still wearing Rachel's clothes.

Rachel then left to get me a towel and gave me her shampoo to use. I thanked her and left to shower. I exited the restroom to see that Rachel is in the living room, and watching something on the TV. I looked to see that it was the news, and it showed recordings of Tron and his team stopping a bunch of crimes.

News anchor: It's been a while since the citizens of New York seen The Protector. Everyone is wondering where they have gone. Is The Protector officially done helping the people, or is there something else happening?

Tron: Ya wish. *continues making breakfast*

Blake: What is the news talking about?

Rachel: Oh, you don't know but since Tron left to go to your world. People speculated that The Protector is done being a hero, but really he's just stopping those bastards from harming another world.

Tron: Speaking of protecting the city. How's it going for you, Rachel? Any new villains causing havoc?

Rachel: Not really. It's been sort of dry with the crimes lately, but at least this city isn't dangerous anymore.

Tron: That's a relief.

Rachel: Tell me about it.

I was confused to their conversation, so I sat down on the couch. I see Bunbun on top of Rachel's head. Rachel must have noticed, so she told that Bunbun likes doing this from time to time. We started to talk to each other while waiting for breakfast to be ready.

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