Chapter 19: I'm Back

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*Ruby's P.O.V.*

It has been a weird couple of days at Beacon. First, aunt Raven has been staying here, but is living in Tron's dorm. Since then, Yang has been trying to spend time with her, and that has been a challenge for her. Also, Tron and his team have been leaving class to go find any connections to the INNER DEMONS. Whenever they come back, my team and I are told to give them their assignment. It's been weird though, due to things being crazy immediately.

Anyways, my team and I are hanging out with Team JNPR. We were all at Vale and talking inside a cafe. While talking, we hear Nora yelling that there is something going on outside. We all looked outside, and we see KILLER throwing a bunch of thugs out of his way. Yang wanted to join in on the fun, but Blake told her to just sit down. We continued to watch him fight. It was intriguing at first, until we saw him bite someone's entire upper parts of their body. All of us were speechless from this, so we exited the cafe and confront him.

Weiss: What the hell are you doing?!?

KILLER: Oh, hey guys. What's up with ya?

Weiss: You clearly ate someone, and you expect us to not question it!!!!

KILLER: Well, they deserve it for assaulting a woman. I justify my action. Anyways, I gotta go. See ya.

Jaune: Where are you going?

KILLER: My team needs me right now. See ya.

Ruby: Hey, wait where are you.....and he's gone.

None of us couldn't get a chance to ask him, because he ran and jumped to a building. We were all looking at each other and wanted to see what is going on. Everyone agreed and we soon followed KILLER. We started to run around the corner and soon follow him.


I was running from building to building; I could hear people either gasping or talking. I didn't really care right now, so I continued forward. I soon get a call from Bot, so I answered it.

KILLER: What's up Bot. What am I missing?

Bot: We're in the facility right now, and we have the files. Where are you?

KILLER: I'm a block away from you guys. I'll be there soon.

I hung up the call and made my way to the others. I decided to grow some wings to make myself go faster. The flight didn't take too long, so I eventually made it towards them. I didn't think, so I crash into the ceiling without any consideration. I didn't see anyone there, so I had to sniff out my team's scent. I soon found it and made my way to them.

I see them in a room, so I walked inside. They all see me and told me to see what they have found. What I can interpretate: the White Fang is going to a facility, which is a little far from Vale to ship off some stolen Atlas technology. I asked them where and when this is going to happen. It's happening tonight at 9:00, so we're going to stop them. We all leave the building and go back to Beacon.

We made it back to Beacon to get ready for the showdown. As we were planning for what happens tonight, we get a knock from the door. Tron leaves to answer it. Afterwards, he comes back and both team RWBY and JNPR are in. They all look serious at us, so we questioned them.

Nightmare: What brings you guys here?

Blake: We came here to tell you that we're coming with you stop the White Fang.

Rachel: What are y'all talking about?

Ren: Don't try to act dumb, we know what's happening. We're all coming with you, no objection.

Tron: You need to realize that we are going to stop them, but also see if the INNER DEMONS are there as well? You're going to get severely injured by them, if they are there. It's best if you don't come with us.

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