Chapter 20: Hello, old friend

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*Rachel's P.O.V.*

It's been a few hours since we encountered the INNER DEMONS and also HIM. Pyrrha was healed quickly, thanks to KILLER. Other than that, we have been waiting for Tron to wake up. I kept on checking if he was awake, but all I saw was him laying on his bed. I didn't like seeing him experiencing this mess again. I was about to check on him again, but Nightmare stopped me and said that he'll do it. I didn't want him to do it, so I told him that I want to know if he's alright.

As I left the living room, and I went back to our to check on Tron again. As I entered, I saw him awake. Next thing I know, I immediately tackled him down to the bed. I was happy to see him awake. He just chuckles and hugged me.

We both let go of each other, and Tron soon got off of his bed. Both of us exited the room. Everyone saw Tron was awake. Suddenly, a white blur hits Tron's chest. We all see Bunbun clinging onto Tron's clothes. After that  little moment, we all discussed what our next move is. We didn't have anything to do next. That was until we heard a beeping noise.

Bot looked at his arm, and opened it to reveal an icon moving somewhere. We were all wondering what it was. Bot explained that he put a tracker on Reapers' cloak. KILLER gave Bot a noogie, then let him go. The icon moved to somewhere outside of Vale. Tron immediately got up and was ready to find them.

I stopped him before he did anything stupid. He asked why I stopped him, so I told him that all of us have to rest. I also said that we can continue this the next day. He was about to say something, until he realized that the others looked tired. He agreed to this and told our friends to go back to their dorms. Everyone agreed to this situation, and eventually left our dorm.

It was not long until all 5 of us were in our beds. Well, more likely 4 of us. Bot was in a corner, presumably recharging himself. Just as we settled onto our beds, Raven suddenly opened the door. All of us were surprised by this, but we eventually calmed down.

Nightmare: I keep forgetting that she's living with us. KILLER, looks like either of us will be sleeping on the couch.

KILLER: Rock, paper, scissors for whoever sleeps on the couch?

Nightmare: Deal.

Both of them were playing rock, paper, scissors and this went on for a few minutes. Evidently, Nightmare lost, so he left to the couch. From there, we all rested and then went to sleep.

*The next day*

*Tron's P.O.V.*

My alarm went off, and everyone heard it. No one wanted to get up yet, but I had to get everyone (except Raven) to wake up. None of them wanted to wake up, so I brought out my book of puns. I then said some of it. Eventually, each of them were trying to stop me from continuing. I didn't listen, so I continued on.

All of them eventually got off their beds. All of us got ready for today. As we exited our dorm, we see both team RWBY and JNPR in front of us. They all seem to be ready for this mission, but I reassured them that we have to wait. Right now we have to get to class. Their whole demeanor changed, so they started to head towards class.

As we headed to class, I noticed a huge crowd were in the cafeteria. My team and I walked towards them. Once we made it, we see Cardin beating the shit out of Velvet. I started to twitch, so I had Rachel hold Bunbun. I made my way to Cardin and grabbed him by the shoulder. He turns around to see me, and all I did was twist his arm. He let go of Velvet, which I have Bot check on her. Nightmare soon joined in.

Now it was just the 3 of us. Cardin brought out his mace, and he tries to hit me. I move away from the attack, Nightmare fazes through it. He goes to the shadows, and he grabs both of  Cardin's arms. I walk up to Cardin, and I soon kick him in the balls. He winces, so I grab him the neck and talk to him.

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