Chapter 1: New world, new adventure

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A bit of a disclaimer I don't know that much about the entirety of RWBY so I might get some things wrong, so let correct me if I didn't get something right. Alright now back to the story.

3rd P.O.V. 

We see our team wondering through the forest to find any sign of a town. While they were walking KILLER can be seen putting his hand inside his bag and taking out a dead squirrel and immediately consuming it. While that was happening, Bot was scanning the entire area to collect the data and history about the world they are in. 

Tron: hey Bot what do you have so far?

Bot: well I as far I know we are in a forest called "Forever forest" nothing much but I do have some data about a certain type species called the Grimm.

 Nightmare: Grimm? huh that sounds like a name KILLER would have for one of his attacks.

KILLER: how do they look like? I want to know the competition I'm going to have.

Bot: well let me pull up an image my little done took of. *projects an image out of his arm* There we go.

Bot projected on what one of the grimms would look like

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Bot projected on what one of the grimms would look like. Tron, Nightmare, and KILLER were a little surprise to see a big doggo with white spikes on it. Bunbun saw it and was a little frightened by what she saw, Tron notice this and reassured her that he's there for her and rubbed her head, then puts her on his hood. KILLER was examining it and knew that he can kill that thing. 

Bot: it says that these creatures are mindless monsters that have no soul and once killed will turn into black dust or smoke. And this one is called a beowolf.

Nightmare: is anyone else getting an undertale vibe when killing a monster or is it just me?

Everyone: -_-

Bot: anyways there are also these heroes called "Hunters and Huntresses" which are those who protect people from grimm, criminals, some people called the White Fang, etc... 

Nightmare: White Fang? Is that some kind of gang or a group? Or is it a band?

Bot: sort of, well they are a group made of this species called faunuses and their goal is equality, but they use an extreme way on getting that to happened even if it meant killing people.

As they were walking they didn't notice a big creature infront of them until suddenly they bumped into the grimm they just saw. As soon as they saw the creature Tron thought of the most stupidest idea he can think of.

Tron: hello there sir what is your name?

The beowolf roared at them, it clearly didn't want to have a conversation with them. KILLER was ready for a fight with it, so he moved everyone out of the way and roared at the grimm back. The beowolf then tackled KILLER to the ground, while they were on the ground KILLER used his right hand and slashed at the creature then grabbed its neck. After awhile he then rips its throat out and decided to pick it up and finally bites the head off. When that was done the creature turned into black dust, and some of the dust was still in KILLER's mouth and he spit it out. 

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