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3rd p.o.v.

Before time began there were 3 beings which were called The Great Beings. These 3 we're the last of their kind, their kind created life throughout space. Everything was going amazing until one day, a great massacre happened, it killed nearly everyone except those 3, with their people gone they moved forward and done the very thing they were meant to do, create life. They all splitted up to create their own universe, and throughout their time they succeeded.  2 of them named, Overworld, and the other named, Annihilator, successfully and completely created their words, meanwhile the last one named, Overdrive, did make their world but not fully and she would never finish due to new ideas popping out of her mind, so these worlds were weak and unstable to be holding on it's own.

Years past by and everything was going so until one day Annihilator was checking on one of his worlds, he found an error in it so he used his powers to fix it but on this occasion he wasn't fully focused. He thought it would be simple and didn't expect anything to go wrong, suddenly upon finally putting his focus back on his creation he saw that he was destroying it. Trying his best to stop using his powers was irrelevant due to not following his command, so he stayed there looking at the poor souls being erase right in front of his eyes. Once he was done, he could feel the agony everyone felt but he also felt a little bit more stronger, later on he tried his best to not that happen again. Eventually, the problem gotten worse and worse soon after he was consumed with the powers he obtained that Overworld and Overdrive were worried about their friend. 

Soon, Annihilator has completely drained/destroyed the worlds he has created, but he didn't feel whole and wanted more power decided to go after other universes from the previous Great Beings. This destruction has caused Overworld to worry about the remaining creation his people worked on, so he decided to create 5 beings to protect their and others worlds. These 5 had their own adventures until they were all transported to Overworld, and soon they all agreed to help one another(even though they didn't get along with each other at first). Then they had 2 new members that Tron knew, but the others didn't trust one of them until later on they eventually trust him. Later on they encountered Annihilator and tried to defeat him but were almost killed in the process. A year later they found out that Overdrive was corrupted by Annihilator, so they had to go through many dimensions to stop until the last destination was Jolts'(Tron's teammate) world and found it being consumed to nothing but an empty void. They managed to stop Overdrive but lost their friend in the process. They had a funeral for Jolt and made an oath to protect anyone and to stop the threat no matter the cost of their lives. 

2 years had past and they finally stopped Annihilator, later on they tried to stop another threat called The INNER DEMONS but these creatures originated from one of the Defenders. In their final adventure, they brought Annihilator back but he was soon destroyed and the Defenders could finally relax, that is until one of them discovers something surprising.

Tron's p.o.v.

I was patrolling around New York seeing if there was any crimes, but lately there has been a few crimes here and there. It's been weird not having to stop that much crime, it may seem fine for other people but to me it usually helps me pass the time. Having to stop the INNER DEMONS was a pain but at least I wasn't at home doing nothing, so in a way they helped me no being so bored. 

*ring* *ring*

Just as I was deep in my thoughts I got a call from Bot, so I answered it through my helmet. Usually Bot never calls me unless it's either something serious, or when KILLER caused a fire in the kitchen.

Tron: yo, what's up Bot did KILLER caused another fire again?

Bot: First, no and second, Tron we need you to come back to base for a moment there's something I just found out, and I need you to see it with the others.

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