Chapter 23: A world beyond our own

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*Tron's P.O.V.*

I was having a nice dream, when I suddenly woken up by someone. I opened my eyes, and saw Rachel shaking me awake. What a great way to start the day.

Rachel: *excited* Wake up, wake up, wake up!!

Tron: Stop shaking me, I'm already awake!

Rachel: Whoops, sorry! *Stops shaking Tron*

Tron: Thank god. *Rubs eyes* What time is it?

Rachel: It's 8:30am.

Tron: Why are you waking me up at this time? Especially on a weekend.

Rachel: Don't you remember what I told you last night?

Tron: I can't recall.

Rachel: We're going back to our world, we're bringing team RWBY with us.

Tron:Oh right, that thing. Can you let me sleep for another 10 minutes?

Rachel: Nope, come on we got to get ready!

Tron: *yawn* Fine, just let me stretch for a few seconds.

Rachel: Alright. I'm going to shower now, so you better get your clothes ready once I'm done.

Tron: Alright mom. Geez, this is how you acted when we were in highschool.

Rachel: I had to make sure that you didn't arrive late.

Tron: That's only when I either had to stop crime on the way, or when I was doing night patrol. Other than that, I got there on time.

Rachel: That's not how our teachers remember it.

Tron: Go shower, or else I'll paint on your face.

Rachel: Alright I'm going. You better have your stuff ready.

Rachel finally entered the restroom, and I got out of my bed. I started to stretch, and did a little bit of exercise. Once done, I went to search for some clothes. While searching for my clothes, someone tapped my shoulder. Instincts kicked in, and I threw them over my shoulder, which had them fall on my bed. I got on top of them, and readied my arm blade.

What surprised was that it was Raven. I was confused by this, but remembered that she still lives in our dorm. This woman better find a place to live, or else there will be problems. Nonetheless, I retracted my blade.

Raven: I knew you were bold, but I didn't think you were this bold. What would Yang think about this?

Tron: *blushing* W-what? No, I j-just thought there was an i-intrud-der here. I-I didn't mean to have it look like this.

Raven: *chuckles* It's alright, I was joking with you. Anyways, can you get off now?

Tron: S-sure. *Gets off* Sorry about that Raven. It's something that I've gotten used to.

Raven: It's fine. Besides, it's not everyday that I get pinned down by a strong individual.

Tron: *nervous chuckle* You're kidding right?

Raven: Why would I joke about that. You're actually a strong individual, and I can respect that.

Tron: Thanks, I guess.

Raven: Where are you heading this time?

Tron: What makes you think that?

Raven: Because you don't have your everyday clothes. Which means you're going somewhere. Tell me.

Tron: Me and Rachel are going back to our world, and she invited team RWBY to come along.

Raven: So my daughter and niece are going to another world with you two?

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