Chapter 8: The Showdown

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Ruby's P.O.V

As class ended, me and my team went to our dorm to prepare for the we're going to have with The Defenders. I'm both excited and scared for this. I see my team have the same thoughts, except for Weiss. I decided to come up with a plan when we're fighting The Defenders.

Ruby: Alright team, I have a plan for us to use during the fight.

Yang: What's the plan, sis?

Ruby: The plan is to avoid their attacks l and get them tired. Once that happens we go for the blow.

Weiss: That's one of the stupidest plan that I have ever heard.

Blake: I have to agree on Weiss with this one. We don't know their weakness and if we do it'll probably be tough, due to KILLER being the tough one to take down.

I had to rethink on what our plan will be. 'Cause I have seen them take down things that'll take awhile for us to do. So the only plan is to give our all in the fight.

Afterwards, we exited our dorm with our weapons ready and waiting to see how this will end. As we were walking out, I can see team JNPR walking out as well. I see that Jaune is a little nervous than usual, due to everyone in Ms. Goodwitch's class facing off Tron and his team.

*Timeskip brought to by chibi Nora and KILLER having a pancake eating contest*

We were all in Ms. Goodwitch's class again, and this time we see The Defenders in front of us. Ms. Goodwitch was next to them, probably to instruct us with something. Tron stepped forward to inform us with something important to know.

Tron: well dudes, you're probably wondering 'why are we here again?' and to answer your question. You're all here so my team and I can transport you all to location where we'll fight. Any other questions?

Weiss: I have one, shouldn't we all aboard the bullhead to arrive to this location you have?

Nightmare: yes you do, but in this situation you will not. We'll teleport you there instead.

Pyrrha: Umm, not to sound rude, but how are you going to do that?

Tron: like this, *stretch out hand* *portal opening* does this answer your question?

Pyrrha: Yes.

Goodwitch: Are you sure this is safe for them to go in?

Bot: We've gone through these portals a bunch of times, it's safe for them.

Goodwitch: *suspicious* Alright then, everyone go through this portal that Tron created. (To The Defenders) You 4 better not do anything stupid, or else there will be consequences.

Tron: yeah, yeah we get it Ms. Goodwitch. Don't worry about it.

*3rd P.O.V.*

The portal opens to an empty and beautiful field around them

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The portal opens to an empty and beautiful field around them. Everyone was in awe that they completely forgot what they were doing. They all were out of their trance when Tron cleared his throat. Everyone was now in the field, ready for what's about to happen next.

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