Chapter 15: A little CATastrophe

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*Ruby's P.OV.*

My team and I were in Vale, and along with us was Tron. It was early in the morning, and I wanted us to hangout again. We were walking throughout town, but that was until we saw a crime scene near a store. We all walk towards the store and see a bunch of things there. All of us saw 2 investigators there, then Weiss walked up to them and asked what happened.

Weiss: What happened here?

Investigator #1: Well, all we know is that this place was robbed dry. It's completely empty in there.

Investigator #2: My best guess is that the White Fang robbed this place. Those good for nothing waste of space.

As we were listening to them, I could see Blake a little irritated by this. Tron notices this as well, so he tried his best to calm her down. As the conversation was over, we all left the crime scene. A monkey faunus just comes out of nowhere, and drops a banana on one of the investigators. Weiss then yells to go after them.

Weiss: After that filthy faunus!

We all tried to catch up to him, but it was no use. That was until Tron jumps started to fly, but then he gave us Bunbun.

Tron: I'll be back, just don't try to kill each other.

*Tron's P.O.V*

What a way to start the morning, nothing like having to chase a random person who came out of nowhere. I then see the monkey dude on the roof, so I flew down to him. He looked at me and was surprised that I caught up to him.

Tron: Yo, monkey boy. You do realize that you're accused for the crime, right?

Monkey faunus: What, I am? I didn't do nothing, and how are you flying.

Tron: That's not important. What is important is that you stop right now, and clear up the situation. I don't want an innocent person being accused for something they didn't do.

The monkey faunus soon stopped, and I landed on top of the roof. The monkey faunus looked at me and I did the same. He then spoke, which was also another stupid question.

Monkey faunus: So, what am I accused of? Also, how did you just fly?

Tron: You're accused of robbing a store, and stop asking how I was flying. Look, just come with me and we'll sort this out.

Monkey faunus: Sure, also the name's Sun, Sun Wukong.

Tron: The name is Tron.

I showed my hand and he accepted it. What a big mistake. As he shook my hand, the whoopee cushion made a farting noise. I started to laugh from it. Another victim of the whoopee cushion.

Sun also laughed. Afterwards, I lead him to where the others were. Of course, we had to jump off the roof. Then we started to walk to Ruby and her team.

*Ruby's P.O.V.*

Me and Yang tried to calm both Weiss and Blake down, due to the argument they were having. It wasn't pretty, let me tell you that. We then see Tron walking with the faunus, but it looked like they were laughing. All of us saw them walking towards us.

Tron: Hey girls. I got the monkey boy here. Before you say anything Weiss, no, he wasn't involve with the robbery. Although, he did steal some bananas.

Sun: What do you expect, I was hungry. Hi, my name is Sun.

Ruby: Hi, umm Tron can I talk to you.

Tron: Sure. What's up?

Ruby: Well, both Weiss and Blake were having an argument and it was about to get worse. That was until you came back and they stopped for now. Can you stay close to them, incase something bad happens?

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