Chapter 6: Initiation starts/Welcome to Beacon

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*Nightmare's P.O.V*

Me and the rest of our team were outside of the academy waiting on a cliff for Ozpin to tell us on what we needed to do. Now I know what you're thinking 'why are you guys waiting at a cliff' and to that I have no fucking clue. Right now I was getting my weapons ready and so were the rest of my brothers too. The initiation looked simple but the way Ozpin said made it seem a little too easy.


Tron: so what is the initiation we need to do in order to join Beacon?

Ozpin: I'm glad you asked that. Well it's simple, I need you 4 to retrieve a relic from inside the forest, and once you accomplish that you'll be accepted to Beacon Academy.

Nightmare: hmm I don't know, this sounds a little easy for an initiation, wizard of Oz. 

KILLER: *spits out his food* now that's funny.

After the 'instructions' he told us, we all went to the cliff to wait there until our initiation starts. On the way we see both team RWBY and team JNPR in the hallways. Team JNPR were surprised to see us in the academy, but Bot informed them Ozpin wanted us to join. Before any of us could react, Ruby dashed towards and tried to look at our weapons. KILLER picked her up and said that she can look at them later, due to us going to a cliff and wait for further instructions.

Tron: we'll see ya guys later. 

RWBY/JNPR: bye/see you later/ good luck!

*end of flashback*

Nightmare: do you guys think that this will be easy?

Bot: I doubt it, we have heard those words over and over again, so no this won't be easy.

KILLER: whatever Bot said.

Bot: hey Tron where's bunbun?

Tron: oh, I gave her to Ruby so that way she won't be hurt.

KILLER: hey fuckers, look whose finally here.

We all turned around and see Ozpin walking towards us with Goodwitch next to him. Once he finally arrived, he told us to go to the platform that will launch us into the forest. At first I thought he was joking, but then I noticed that he wasn't so we all went to the platform and got ready for this test. Before we were launched, I saw Tron looking for a song to play in his helmet. I chuckled due to him always doing this every time. Well all I got to say is "bring it on bitches!"

*Tron's P.O.V.*

Before we were launched, I activated my helmet and brought out my phone and looked for a song to play. After a minute has passed I finally found a song and I started to play it. Let's see what this test will hold. Soon we were launched off the cliff and into the forest.

Tron: WOOOO!!!

As we were in the air, all I could do was feel the adrenaline from both the music and being in the air. When I saw that I was getting close to the trees, I started to jump from each tree to the other. While I was doing this I saw that KILLER had Bot on his back while KILLER was on all 4's running; Nightmare was popping out from shadow to shadow to go faster. When we were trying to find the relics, a Grimm came out of nowhere and tried to attack us, but I immediately chopped its head off with my axe. 

We finally found the place where the relics were placed, the 4 of us were surprised to see that they were chess pieces. 

Tron: so which one do we take?

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