Chapter 11: The truth comes out pt.2

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*3rd P.O.V.*

We see the 2 teams entering the bullhead, and all of them were sitting down. Tron sat alone due to what happened and feeling it his fault, so he decided to be by himself throughout the ride. It was quiet during the ride, everyone was either thinking about what will happen next or were either knocked out. During the ride, Ruby would look back at Tron from time to time, and she noticed the expression on his face. She noticed that he had a lot of guilt in his face, and when he looked at her, he activated his mask to cover his face. Nightmare noticed the commotion, so he scooted close to Ruby and told her what was happening.

Nightmare: *whispering* Hey Ruby, is something wrong?

Ruby: *whispering* Oh umm, it's just that I keep looking back at Tron. He saw me and covered his face with his mask. I noticed the guilt he had after leaving the warehouse, and I also noticed the fear in his eyes.

Nightmare: I know about the guilt part, he feels guilty about having both you girls and KILLER getting hurt. For the fear part, that one is more personal for him. Before you ask, he'll explain that part as well.

Ruby: That's also my question, what does he mean by "The truth about us"? What does that mean, and who were those 2?

Nightmare: Like I said, he'll explain everything to you 4. You just have wait until your sister wakes up, and until we get to the academy.

Ruby: Alright then, but I'm kind of worried about how he is feeling about this.

Nightmare: I know what you mean. Since me and the rest of the others became a team, it has been our job to look out for each other. Both physically and mentally, that includes on having to be a little nosy on the situation at hand.

Ruby: You've known Tron for who knows what, so has he ever acted like this before?

Nightmare: Yes, but that's when he knows that the people he cares and cherishes the most gets hurt. He partially blames himself, due to him thinking that he should've done more than what he did.

Ruby: Okay then.

As their conversation was going on, they noticed that the bullhead has finally landed. Everyone got out and were heading to the academy. As soon as they were inside, all of them went to The Defenders' dorm. Once they made it, KILLER placed Yang on one of their beds. As that was done, Tron left the dorm to get Bunbun. Throughout the way towards team CFVY's dorm, Tron was having many thoughts running through his mind. All he knew is that he needed to tell them truth, and that's it. He eventually made it to the dorm, so he knocked on their door. A few seconds later he sees Coco opening the door. At first he thought it was Velvet, but he didn't payed any mind to it.

Tron: Hey Coco... umm is Velvet there? I here to pick up Bunbun.

Coco: Oh, hey Tron. Velvet is asleep, and she has Bunbun cuddled up to her. Do you want me to wake her up to give back Bunbun?

Tron: No that's alright, I'll come back tomorrow to pick her up. You have a goodnight then.

Coco: Goodnight, but before you leave. How was your little investigation, did you find what you were looking for?

Tron: Y-yeah we did. It's just that I didn't expect on how I found it.

Coco: What do you mean?

Tron: L-look, it's kinda late and I don't want you to stay up any longer about what I found.

Coco: Oh, well can you at least tell me on what you were looking for.

Tron: Just something that I thought was forever out of my life. I'll tell you more when I can, alright?

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