Chapter 10: The truth comes out pt. 1

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Flashback before the events happened in the previous chapter

Side note: the reason for The Defenders going to the warehouse from the last chapter will be retcon and replaced with a different reason.

*Tron's P.O.V.* 

Its been a few weeks since the whole fight that me and my team had with Ms. Goodwitch's class. And after awhile, me and my team had it easy when attending this academy. Though, there were times when either me or KILLER had to be stopped from our rage. KILLER almost killed people, due to most people calling him a Grimm, and this causes him to either strangling them or throwing them to a wall. But enough about that, let's get back to what we were doing. 

Throughout our time in Beacon, things have gotten a little chaotic. By that, I mean that everyone wanted to fight us and see if they're stronger than us. And every time we fight, me and my team are victorious. Another thing, Ozpin has been annoying us by trying to assign us to missions he wanted us to do, but we always denied on it and continued on our mission. And speaking about Ozpin, I don't trust that dude. Whenever we encounter him, I feel that there is something he is hiding, but I keep a close eye on him. 

As what we were doing after the fight, we would either hang out with team RWBY, JNPR, or I would sometimes hang out with Velvet. Other things that have happened, me and Bot would sometimes teach in Professor Port's due to him not actually teaching us. My team and I would go to stop crimes as always, and afterwards we would see ourselves on the news. And speaking of stopping crimes, we would help team RWBY or JNPR with anything mission-related. Other than that, we've been focusing on tracking THEM down. 

Speaking of THEM, we have seen a bunch of hints on their whereabouts and each one is closer than the last. Ruby and her team notices us going to specific places that the crimes originated from, but I ease them by saying that were tracking down the perpetrator. This of course leads them to come with us, yet I tell them to not worry about it. Sometimes late at night, I stay up and patrol the city of Vale, this is due to my instincts I had when THEY were still around. I guess those instincts are back, and everytime I come back to the academy I notice that I have bags under my eyes. This doesn't go unnoticed by my friends. 

They ask me why I look like I haven't slept, and I answer by saying that I have a tendency to stay up whenever I feel like I can't sleep. As days go by, I can feel that THEY are closer as time progresses, so when my team and I hear that robberies happen, we check it out. One thing we have noticed is that every robbery that happens, the only things that have been stolen were either dusts, some sort of machinery, or metal materials. This makes me suspect that THEY are behind this in some sort of way. I can tell, due to them taking machinery that could be useful for any type of destruction. 

Throughout class, lunch, or even in the dorms, I use those time to see where THEY would be, but what I get is something that could possibly be the location. Afterwards I would go to these locations, but once I get there  I would scan the whole place to if THEY were there, yet I would get nothing. Throughout all of this, I would pass by either my classmates or friends whenever I get back to the academy. They would greet me but I would ignore it, so that way I could try again and find those bastards. I can tell that they are worried about me, but I'm more worried about them encountering THEM than anything else, so I gotta try again for everyone's sake. 

*Timeskip brought to by chibi Tron sleeping on the floor*

Right now my team and I are going to a warehouse, this is another location that I have pin pointed on where THEY could be. Before we went, I went to Velvet and asked her if she could watch Bunbun for me. She agreed to, and before I went I told Bunbun to be on her best behavior. 

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