Chapter 12: Just a "normal" day

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*Ruby's P.O.V*

It's been a few days since Tron has told us that him and his team are from other worlds. This caused a bunch of questions to pop up into our mind, well mostly for me. The day after he told us, him and his team left to go find the INNER DEMONS. I wanted to go with them, but Tron told me that it's best if I stay away from those monsters. I wanted to protest and say that I can handle myself, yet he made a point that I got hurt from one of them and I should just leave it. Afterwards, the 4 of them left and I was just standing there. I wished I went with them, but that would mean I would leave my team behind. I went back to my dorm to get ready for class.

After that day, I kept checking if they're alright or if they need some help. Right now, me and my team are going to see if they wanted to hangout with us. While we were going to their dorm, we suddenly heard some music playing on the other side of the door. All of were wondering what it was, so we opened the door to see something that we didn't expect to see.

We see all 4 of them wearing some sort of red and blue suits with a spider on their chests, and sitting on their couch while eating some pizza. One of them noticed us at the door, and all of them stared at us. They then said something that was both weird and funny.

The Defenders: Pizza time.

Yang: Well, this is some of the weirdest things I've seen.

Blake: Agreed.

KILLER: What's up, and what's with the confused look on your faces?

Weiss: Ruby wanted  to see if you guys wanted to hangout with us, but then we heard some music and see *hand gestures towards the room* this. What are you 4 even doing?

Tron: We're all dressed as Spider-Man and eating some pizza.

Yang: Spider what?

Nightmare: Don't ask, if you do then we'll be here for awhile.

Yang: Okay then.

Ruby: Do you guys want to hangout with us?

Tron: Sure, but let us change out these costumes first.

Ruby: Ok.

Tron and the others went to their room, but then Tron gave me Bunbun while they went to change. We all sat down and looked around. The last time we came here, we didn't get a chance to see everything that was in here. I saw a picture on one of their shelves and it had all of them doing a some stupid poses, but I noticed  that there were 2 more people with them. I was going to tell my the others to come over, but I heard the door open and saw The Defenders changed back to their clothes. Bunbun immediately jumped out of my arms and went towards Tron. 

Tron: We're ready, so where are we going.

Ruby: I didn't really plan anything further.

Weiss: Are you serious?

Ruby: We could probably go eat at a cafe and afterwards we could just walk around the city. 

KILLER: I'm fine with that. What about you fuckers?

Tron/Nightmare/ Bot: Sure

We all left the dorm and went towards the bullhead, but then Weiss asked if Tron or the others can just teleport us there. Tron responded that they only use those powers for either an emergency or while they're fighting. He also said that they do use them every once in awhile to get somewhere important, so using it for something like this would be a waste of their powers. Once we got outside, the bullhead was already there, so all of us went inside. All of us sat down, but I sat next to Tron. While I was sitting next to him, I turned around and just see Yang giving me a small smirk.

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