Chapter 2: First impression matters

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3rd P.O.V

In the store we see a man in a white trench coat and a hat holding a cane, which is used to point at the owner of the store. The owner was scared for his life and didn't know what to do.

Store owner: w-w-what do y-you want from me?

Trench coat dude: I'm here for the dust so hand them over.

Store owner: o-okay whatever you want just don't kill me!

While this was happening the Defenders looked at what was going on and started to make a plan.

Tron: ok dudes, all we got to do is get in there stop that walking candle and his goons, then put them to jail. Got it?

KILLER: yeah we got it.

Tron: alright in the count of 3, 1 2 3!!!

After Tron counted, the 4 of them jumped through the roof and landed on the floor. Once that happened, the goons and the dude with the white trench coat looked and saw the 4 of them then he ran off.

Nightmare: huh, guess he was all talk  than show.

KILLER: enough talking and more on fighting them.

KILLER jumped or more like rammed through the door and tackled one of the goons. Tron and the rest were taking them down. Just as they were taking them down, Tron saw a blur and they took care of the goons.

After he got a good look on this person he saw that they were a girl with black hair with some red tips, they were wearing black and had a red cloak. He also noticed that she had silver eyes, the girl was holding a scythe that also looked like a gun, and looked too big for them to carry, in Tron's opinion.

 He also noticed that she had silver eyes, the girl was holding a scythe that also looked like a gun, and looked too big for them to carry, in Tron's opinion

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???: Surrender Roman you're outnum- where did he go?

Tron: hey red, he's over there!

Tron pointed to Roman climbing on a ladder to a roof.

???: Thanks! *Looks at the store owner* do you want us to get him?

Store owner: yes

???: Okay, come on dude let's get him.

Tron: on it. Guys take care of the rest, I'm going to stop candle dude!

Everyone: on it!

So Tron and the girl went to stop Roman. When they got to the ladder, Tron used his axe and threw it to the wall and climbed from there while holding his bunny close to him. The girl got there and both of them saw Roman trying to retreat, so Tron threw his axe in front of Roman. Roman turned around and saw the both of them, he was frustrated and just wanted to get away.

Tron: Stop there candle head, you nowhere to go!

Roman: you're persistent but- wait what did you call me?!

Tron: candle head. Why isn't that your name?

Roman: What, no!!! My name is Roman Torchwick!!!

Tron: nah, I like candle head better.

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