Chapter 21: Taking a break

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*Tron's P.O.V.*

I was having a nice dream, when suddenly my alarm woke me up. I turned around and grabbed my phone. Afterwards, the rest of my team woke up from this. None of them looked happy to wake up. Nonetheless, all of us got ready for the day. While getting ready, we failed to notice that we woke up a certain bird.

Raven: Will you 5 be any quiet?!

Nightmare: Holy shit! Oh, it's just you. *Whispers to Bot* I keep forgetting that she lives with us.

Raven: I heard that! What are you all even getting ready for?

KILLER: We're getting ready for class. Wait, what day is it again?

Bot: Today is Friday.

Rachel: Huh, for a second I thought it was Wednesday.

Tron: That's what happens when you're busy dealing with the whole "hero" thing. Anyways, we should get going. It's almost time, so hurry up.

Everyone got their stuff ready, and we soon left the dorm. I was the last one, due to me getting Bunbun ready. I then left with the others. We were making our way to Professor Ports' class. While walking there, I see KILLER messing with his cast.

Everyone else notices this, and Bot tells him to stop. KILLER, being the idiotic person he is, didn't listen and continued. Bot had enough, and threw an iced chemical at KILLER's hand. KILLER didn't like it, but knew that he had to stop. I asked KILLER if he wanted to hold Bunbun for awhile. He was hesitant at first, but agreed and took her onto his regular hand. Both KILLER and Bunbun never got along, due to one being a small, fluffy bunny, and the other is a big, shape-shifting monster. So seeing him wanting to hold her made me smile.

We finally made it to the class. Just like every morning, everyone gets a little freaked out by KILLER. This always irritated him, so he just ignores them. All of us went to our seats, and soon team RWBY burst through the class. As always, they were either late or barely on time. Anyways, our "lesson" began, and none of us were paying attention to it. This is going to be a long day.

*Ruby's P.O.V.*

My team and I barely made it to Professor Ports' class. My body felt sore when I was getting ready. That fight I had with the INNER DEMONS was something else. I don't know how Tron and his team can handle them.

When my team and I went to our seats, I immediately fell asleep. I didn't bother on knowing what "lesson" Professor Port had for us. All I wanted was sleep. I closed my eyes and succumbed to my sleepiness.

*In dream*

I opened my eyes, and saw that I was no longer in class. I was surrounded by a black void around me. I kept turning around to see anything with me, but all I got was pure darkness. This was odd, because most of my dreams have me eating cookies, riding on a giant zwei, or eating cookies. So this was new to me.

I was just standing around, until I heard something dripping. I decided to find the source of the sound. I kept running and running, until I finally found it. What I saw confused me. I saw Tron in front of me, but he was kneeling on the ground. That was strange, but then the dripping sound was there again. I looked around to find that sound, but I didn't find it anywhere.

That was until I turned back to see Tron, and I think he was the one making the dripping noises. I walk towards him, and saw that he was crying. Throughout the small time I've known Tron; this was the first time I've seen him cry. I looked at his surroundings, and saw that both his helmet and axe were next to him.

I didn't understand what the context was, but I knew it wasn't good. I moved closer to him, and heard him mumble to himself. I didn't like what I heard.

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