Chapter 13: Time for a mission

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*3rd P.O.V.*

We see The Defenders in their dorm sleeping, and you could hear a little bit of their snoring. Majority of them are sleeping soundly, except for Tron. Tron is seen tossing and turning on his bed. He keeps mumbling to himself, and it's clear that he's having a nightmare about something.

Sweat starts forming on top of his forehead. Each time he keeps moving, his helmet starts to activate on its own (a/n: keep in mind that his helmet is on his desk). The helmet starts to project whatever is going on in his mind, or more on what he is dreaming about.

*Tron's P.OV.*

I look around and see nothing but darkness surrounding me. I tried to look for a way to get out, yet I couldn't find anything to signify an exit. Just when I thought I was alone, I could hear someone laughing. The laugh was echoing around me and I knew who was laughing. I turned around and saw HIM.

He was smiling at me, and I couldn't help but wanted to slash at him immediately. I ran towards him and he dodges my attack. I kept on attacking him with everything I had in me, but all was happening was just him laughing. I couldn't keep myself from calming down, and he knew damn well that he was the cause of it.

???: What's the matter Tron? Aren't you happy to see me again?

Tron: *enraged* What makes you think that I want to see you again?!? I never wanted to see you again, not in this life and definitely not in my dreams!!

???: Well aren't you just a little peachy today. I just wanted to talk to you, and see how ya doing. Isn't that normal for 2 old friends to do?

Tron: We are NOT friends, you little parasite!!!

???: *Laughs* Now what happened to the Tron that I knew?

Tron: I'm still the same person, but I am no longer a naive kid no more!!

As I was arguing with him, I could see that his smile was growing more twisted by the second. His eyes were spiraling and he was getting ready to attack. He swung his mace towards me, but I managed to dodge it. He was getting ready to swing again. I tackled him down and started punching him.

Both of us were sending blow after blow to each other. I blocked one of his attacks, then the next thing I know he grabbed my face and slammed me to the ground. I tried to get out of his grip but I couldn't. He grabbed my axe and was ready to strike. Before he could, I activated my arm cannon and shot him the chest. Once he was staggered, I grabbed my axe and strike him down.

Before I could do that, I saw everything turned white and saw my team stopping from slashing at.... Nightmare. I was confused by this and Nightmare informed me what had happened.

*Little flashback*

*Nightmare's P.O.V*

I had just woken up and went to the restroom to fix myself up. Afterwards, I noticed that Tron was moving constantly in his bed. At first I thought it was just him trying to go back to sleep. Yet the more I see him moving, the more I knew that he was having a nightmare(no pun intended). I tried to wake him up, and I saw him opened his eyes. I thought he was awake, but I saw him look at me and his axe went to his hand.

He swung his axe at me, but I tried to get him to stop and saying that it's me. He didn't listen and continued to attack me. I didn't want to hurt him, so I kept dodging until I saw KILLER waking up.

KILLER: *yawns* What's going on?

Nightmare: Hey dude, can you help me! Tron is having a nightmare again!!

KILLER: Oh shit, I'm on it!

KILLER grabbed Tron and stopped him from attacking me, but Tron latched his legs onto KILLER's neck. He then brought KILLER to the ground. This woke Bot up, and I immediately explained what was going on. He understood and also tried to stop Tron. I tried to calm Tron down, but he pushed me onto the floor and readied his axe.

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