Chapter 4: an interesting encounter pt. 2

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*3rd P.O.V.*

We see The Defenders stopping a truck filled with dust from being sold off to the white fang. KILLER is on all 4's and is hitting the truck, Bot is in his roller mode (work in progress name) and he's on the other side of the truck, Nightmare and Tron are on top of it getting the back to open. So this is how they started a Wednesday morning, nothing like stopping a fast vehicle filled with explosive dust to get the circulation pumping.

Nightmare: nothing like starting a Wednesday morning by stopping a vehicle filled with explosive dust.

Tron: haha, very funny Nightmare. We always love your morning attitude to start the day.

Bot: also I'm the one who is sarcastic so don't take my job, got it.

KILLER: dudes enough chit-chatting and more stopping this bitch from running.

Tron: alright, Bot I need you to get anyone who is in the road out of there. KILLER, go to the back and get every crates filled with dust out of there. Me and Nightmare will slow this truck down.

Bot/KILLER: on it!

KILLER and Bot did what they were ordered to make sure everything went according to plan. Tron shot the tires out and looked back to see KILLER getting the dust away, he also sees Bot getting people away from the vehicle and putting them in a safe distance. Nightmare ripped off the door and grabbed the driver and threw them out. Once that was done both Tron and Nightmare went in front of said vehicle stopped it from moving.

Once they have stopped the truck they made sure no one was near the chaos or if they were injured. Bot told them that everyone was safe and there was no casualties. KILLER went towards them to ask on where he should put the dust, but before he could do that, the driver pulled out a gun and shot the crate that KILLER was holding. KILLER noticed this and attempted to eat the crate, but the bullet hit the dust when it was still in KILLER's mouth. An explosion was created and it engulfed KILLER entirely, the driver thought he killed him and walked away.

The driver then felt some a tap on his shoulder and then heard a voice.

KILLER: hey dirtbag.

The driver then got a fistful of flames to the face. It took a few seconds for him to get the flames off, but when he did he saw that creature he tried to kill was on fire and showing some muscle tissue, bones, and green blood (which is acid). But the thing he sees is that the creature seems really pissed and looked like he was going to kill him.

People saw that KILLER was regenerating the loss of his skin and soon spikes appeared on his back. He cracked his neck, shoulders, arms, and fingers and gave the driver a BIG toothy grin. Acid saliva started to drool out as KILLER was walking towards him.

KILLER: you're in BIG trouble fucker. *Proceeds to grab the driver* And now here's your punishment and a gateway to hell. Say hi to devil for me.

KILLER proceeds to lift the driver up and proceeds to eats the top half of said person. Once that was done, KILLER turned around and noticed people looking at him, worried that he might eat them next. Tron and the others tried to calm the people down and informed them that KILLER won't hurt any of them. While this was happening, KILLER noticed that they were being recorded and told Tron to leave before anything else happens.

After that rough start of a morning, the team decided to go somewhere to eat (even though Bot can't eat and Nightmare sometimes eat). On the way, Bot was reading one of the books he bought to learn more about Remnant. He was too focused that he accidentally bumped into KILLER and fell backwards.

Bot: what the hell was that?

KILLER: dude pay attention next time, read the book later and continue on walking.

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