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Hasen stared at her phone sadly as she looked at the picture of True on her lock screen.

They haven't talked since he left that day, which continued to be a month later. He must've been really mad at her for not living with him.

If he didn't text her first she wouldn't bother to text him either, even though she missed him like crazy.

Hasen sighed heavily before her teacher spoke on her computer.

Hasen was taking a pre-chef course online, her father found out about and signed her up for it knowing she'd love it.

In fact she did but it was also so tiring. Hasen covered her mouth while she yawned listening to the chef talk.

"Alright it's 4:00. I'll see you guys on Friday." The words made Hasen close her laptop immediately.

Hasen got up off her bed and walked to the bathroom, her phone rung. She looked at it seeing it was a FaceTime call from Lara.

Hasen answered the phone before propping it up on the sink.

"Are you done sulking?" Lara asked staring at Hasen, her eyebrows raised a little in shock but she immediately dropped them before turning her camera off.

"I was never sulking." Hasen responded as she looked in the mirror to put her knotless braids in a ponytail.

Lara turned her camera back on, "You definitely were. But that's okay, y'all were in love." Lara said and Hasen shrugged her shoulders

"I don't think we were." Hasen said as she wrapped her braids in a bun.

"No.. you definitely loved him." Lara said and Hasen shrugged her shoulders grabbing her phone leaving out the bathroom turning the light off.

"And if I did he wouldn't know because he hates me now." Hasen spoke frowning a little, she didn't understand why he was so mad at her that he wouldn't talk to her for a month.

She missed him a lot and was tempted to text him everyday but if he wanted to be left alone she was going to leave him alone.

"Aww Hase, don't cry." Lara pouted watching tears roll down her cheeks.

"I'm not crying." Hasen sniffed wiping her face quickly.

"I'm coming over." Lara announced hanging up not giving Hasen any time to say no.


Hasen sobbed silently while Lara hugged her. She didn't know she needed to cry this much. After all this crying she was hoping she'd start to feel better.

"It's okay. Let it out. Mommas here." Lara rubbed Hasen's back, Hasen lifted her head straight facing Lara.

"Sorry." Lara laughed making Hasen huff.

"Just call him." Lara suggested and Hasen shook her head.

"Why not? You can't just wait for him to call you." Lara stated

"That's what he always does. I don't know what changed." Hasen said quietly

"Nothing changed Hasen, he probably just wanted to see if you'd call first. And knowing you, you definitely didn't." Lara says and Hasen side eyed her

"He didn't take his necklace back like Rashad off ATL so that's good." Lara joked and Hasen laughed a little

"Just call him. I'm sure he'll answer." Lara said trying to convince and Hasen sighed grabbing her phone.

"I might cry if he answer, I'm not going to embarrass myself like that." Hasen shook her head putting her phone back.

Lara straight faced her stubborn friend.

"My hairs is turning grey from how fucking stubborn you are." Lara says sighing loudly

"If you cry so what. You act like you aren't allowed to cry." Lara added and Hasen took a deep breath

Hasen grabbed her phone going to her contacts she clicked True's number. The phone started ringing making her eyes widen slightly.

She felt herself about to vomit from how nervous she felt.

"Go in the bathroom. More privacy." Lara suggested, Hasen got up and went into the bathroom closing the door behind her.

She put the phone on speaker setting it on the sink.

"Yo" True spoke in a low deep voice, it sounded like he just woke up or he was tired.

"Hi.." Hasen spoke quietly as she played with her nails to distract herself.

"Wassup, you good?" True asked

"Yea, you okay?" Hasen asked back, Hasen heard him hum in response.

"You didn't call.." Hasen mentioned

"You didn't either." True responded, Hasen felt her eyes water again because he sounded like he didn't want to talk to her by his short replies but she was going to try to continue the conversation.

"Your mad at me?" Hasen asked, True stayed silent before responding

"I'm good." True kept it short, Hasen felt her lip began to quiver. She calmed herself down before speaking again

"Why can't you just tell me why your mad? You left and never called or came back so I know your mad.." Hasen said and True huffed

"I said I'm good. Stop assuming shit." True replied and Hasen sighed

"I'm not assuming if I already know your mad at me. I just don't understand why though so tell me." Hasen spoke with a shaky voice, True could hear it in her voice that she was trying not to cry.

True didn't have anything to say right now. He really didn't expect her to call him. He missed her a lot, thought about calling her everyday he just didn't know how to explain to her that she kinda hurt his feelings in a way.

"I'm asking you to talk to me so I can understand why your mad at me. I cant apologize or fix anything if you don't tell me what I did." Hasen spoke again, True remained silent listening to her talk.

True didn't respond to her and she felt herself getting annoyed.

"I don't even know why I called, if your not even going to talk. Continue to ignore me then." Hasen spoke hanging up the phone, she felt herself become more annoyed than sad now.

Hasen huffed loudly as she exited the bathroom to see Lara still sitting on the bed. Lara looked up from her phone to see Hasen walking towards her with tears rolling down her face.

"He doesn't miss me." Hasen sniffled sitting next to Lara laying her head on her shoulder.


Hasen and True beeeefinnnn .. not for long though . Ima get my favs right !🙄

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